The revange part 1

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~ 1 day later ~

T R A C Y (oh my)

Where the hell am I!
Niall!! Please come and save me...
I stood up slowly and looked around, the fuck....
It was pitching white... Am I in heaven
Hello Tracy
What !? Hello..
Welcome to the new born demon center
What did you say!?
I was going to turn into a vampire not a dangerous demon.....
Well on your mothers side you have a demon person
Omg... No I could end up killing Niall, or anyone else, why do always bad thinks happen to me.... Niall wake me up... Help....
You will wake up now and you can't tell Niall that your a demon, because he can't be mate with a demon because that's not in a vampires nature, I'm sorry
"O-okey, I w-won't I promise, let me wake up now please....

* now time *
"Aaarg" the pain damn it hurts like hell
" argh, please help!" I screamed
" shh, omg princess your already awoke, omg I was so worried" a sniffling Niall said as he kneels down besides me on the bed.
Slowly I opened my eyes,
Damn everything is so much clearer and brighter, I can smell things so much stronger... Wow..
I looked beside me to see Niall look at my in wonder.
" you look so much more mature and so gorgeous" Niall Says breathtakingly
" thank Ni, everything is so much more clearly now" I say and smile.
I slowly began to walk to the mirror to look at me if I had change somehow.
And wow I had, I had more curves, I was a bit longer about to Niall's chin now, and I was skinnier and my skin tone was a bit paler but how cares.
I turn around to meet Niall inches away only.
" now you are truly mine" he says husky
"Yours only" I say as I kiss him with love and passion.
Suddenly I thought came to my head
Don't tell him that you are a demon YOU are a vampire in he's and everyone else eyes.....

Oh shit I need to lie to Niall..... Hope he doesn't notice..


I fell so much stronger and strange now, I can't believe I am a 100% demon how is created to kill human beings and getting a rush out of it, no I can't hurt Laila or else I don't wanna live anymore.

Haha harry your fool I can only make that decision if you are going to live or not... See you soon H
Fuck of your bloody basterd you have already ruined me because I am no longer human anymore and will always be afraid I will hurt Laila.... And I don't have any specific emotions anymore..
"Hey Hazz, how are you feeling" Laila asked as she comes straight into my room without knocking.
" oh I am just fine" I said sarcastically
" Harry don't lie I know when you lie, and you have been so confusing the past day" Laila say low
" Well I don't know about my emotions anymore like I told you and the boys the Devil took my last humanity away, I hope I can win over him soon" I say getting slightly angry.
Soon I felt the bed dip and two small arms wraps around my hip.
"Hey, we will figure something out of this, I am still yours and love you" she says as she kiss my chin.
" And I you" I say as I soon lays beside her and we kiss for what feels like forever.
" let's hope we come up with something soon I am just afraid I will hurt you because I don't want to do that" I say truly.
"We will Styles, and I know you would never hurt me ever" she says and smirks at the nickname she can up with.
Damn she is so cute I love her to bits, if anything happens to her I would be on rage set and don't know what I would have do before I had her in my arms again...
And that thought scares me a little... Because what is it was someone I know how would harm her.... Like Liam, shit that would be a dilemma. But I am still going to keep her safe from that basterd.

* later that day around Dinner time*

I screamed and soon I felt air around me and the boys where there and... Tracy..
Wow still not used to the vampire thing with her
Soon Emily and Lauren can into the room laughing there asses of at something I don't know about.
Soon we where all sat down to eat in peace.
Until: " Hey Laila I hope you are alright after what happened last night" Liam said
Soon memories from last night popped  up in my Mind and I felt sick.
Soon I rushed out of the room with tears in my eyes think that Harry could have been dead now if not... What is Liam will do me harm... Why is he nice all of suddenly....
Thought came into my mind as I runner into my room and slammed the door so they all would k ow I wanted to be alone...
Why did you have to come back your asshole....

"What the fuck what that!?" I screamed at Liam as I stood up in my chair soon followed by Louis.
" well I just asked her a question, it's not my fault she is a cry baby" he says as he smirks
" well you can go to hell because you know damn well what you did to her in the past and Harry knows to! Just fucking leave her alone your monster!" I screamed as I stormed to mine and Louis room with Louis short on my heels..

I could feel the anger rise within me now, damn I just want to rip him into shades... Soon I felt my eyes go black
" shit" Niall and Zayn said as they rushed to my side and prepare to hold me is I get loose.
" what the fuck did you call Laila" I said in a demonic voice, Emily looked as she was going to faint on the spot and Tracy well she looked fascinatingly on my actions why?
" I.Called.Her.A.Cry.Baby " he said as he stood up and walked over to Harry.
"And there is nothing little you can do about it" he said with a laugh as he walked out of the room.
"That lill fucker I am going to kill him" I screamed in a demonic voice.
" Harry you need to calm down you don't know about your other powers and stuff right now this isn't the best time to be too worked up on that ashole" Zayn and Niall
Says in syncs.
" erm, Ni I am heading to bed it's been an eventful day night guys" Tracy says as she walks of to her room
Soon I felt the calm come and I felt my eyes go back to normal.
" thanks mates for the support, I don't think or know how long I can hold up before I break it and kill him" I say in a non emotional tone
"We understand you and we are always her for you, now go to your room for some Sleep and leave Laila alone tonight she needs a break from us all" Zayn says
" you're probably right night lads, Emily" I say as I walk to my room to sleep and collect my thoughts and spurt some out of my mind.

"C'mon Em, we are going to bed" I say as I look at her when Niall finally leaves." Do I have too" she whispers.
"Yes you do you are going to live here now too me you're always going to be my mate, and I am thirsty so come on now" i says in a command tone.
"Okey" she whispers as she began to shake and walks to our room.
"This will hurt a bit" I say as we are on the bed.
Slowly I sing my teeth into her skin.
"Aargh!!" She screams " stop, Zayn please it hurts so much please stop!!"
" oh Emily, you taste so good" i moan
"You will drain me!" She says as she begins to get out of breath and straight.
"Okey that about enough" I say as I oil out quickly.
"Your basterd" was the last think she said as she falls into a deep sleep.

Damn why do I have to be so fucking rude to just her, she is your mate, don't fuck this up Zayn.
But that's probably a little to late now after this,  but I still can fix this so she will me.... I hope...


Now every is fast asleep, now is my change to get the revenge that I been waiting on...
I walked to Laila room to find her fast asleep in the floor with dry tears and mascara all over her face disgusting bitch. I slowly took out the duck tap and as soon as it was on her mouth, she began to shake and backed away from me, but soon I had knocked her out and was carrying her to the black van with my gang in and pushed her into the back.
After a few moments I came back with Lauren to that sneaky bitch has to learn a lesson.
And before we driver away I posted a post it in the kitchen it said

" Louis, Harry and you other stupid dicks and girls, I have captured two of your beloved once because they need to teach a lesson and me and Laila never came to finish were we left of to...
You can maybe find me before its to late if you remember the story about me and Laila's past were we are. But they maybe be death by the time you read this but I will keep you updated about what we work on. Xx Your truly Liam James Payne,
Ps may the odds be in your favor"
They are on for one hella ride that starts now.
Well as you may know the book is going to its end...... But then there is the squeal I will be working on short, I am also want to say that I maybe start a new book called
"The mental institution"
But that's just a small project right now, but hope you enjoy the story so fare thanks for all of you how reads it I love you xx Sammie

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