home sweet home

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Some days at The Facility felt so bland. Either everyone was too busy to hang out or I'd just find myself drowning in work to help everyone else. I could never complain about this job though, I had been allowed to work with the Avengers as a medical science technician and occasionally help Stark and Banner with whatever crazy ideas they had come up with and needed a third opinion. When I came here to start this job I had immediately made friends with each one of the Avengers which was unexpected but I couldn't be more grateful. Currently, the whole team was out on a mission to retrieve Loki's sceptre from Sokovia. Thor was more than determined to get this sceptre back and safely returned to Asgard. A few minutes ago Tony checked in and let me know he was on his way home and that Clint was hit.

Helen Cho was on her way here and I headed to help her set up so it was all ready before everyone got back. Helen was an absolute genius and she also happened to become quite a good friend. She has always been someone I could turn to and trust with my life. Everyone had finally gotten back from Sokovia and Helen's team quickly rushed Clint into Banner's lab.

"Hey Helen, need any help in here with Barton? He's pretty stubborn" I say with a smile.     

"The only thing that keeps this team together is pretending we need this guy," Nat says with a chuckle.

"It's okay, He's gonna be okay," says Helen

I headed down towards Tony and Banner who were talking about god knows what.

"Ah just the girl we need," Tony says with a smile

"What trouble could you possibly be trying to get into now," I say, knowing they're already up to no good

"Ultron," Tony says

"Ultron? I thought Ultron was just a fantasy." I say with confusion

"See that's exactly what I said," says Banner

"What's changed, Tony?" I say.

Tony then pulls up J.A.R.V.I.S. and to his side, he shows a complex system that looked like a human mind but technologically altered. It was the jewel in Loki's sceptre. 

"It's beautiful," Banner says in awe

"If you had to take a guess what does it look like it's doing?" Tony asks Banner

"It looks like it's thinking," I say quietly

"Exactly. Down in Strucker's lab, I saw some fairly advanced robotics work, They deep-six the data but I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular
door." Tony says

"Artificial Intelligence," Banner says while looking at Tony

"This could be it. This could be the key to creating Ultron. If we could harness this power before this sceptre is brought to Asgard in three days, We could apply this to my Iron Legion and then we would have the materials to create Ultron." Tony says sternly.

Banner and Tony began to argue about the idea of Ultron, I would chime in to bring sense to their disagreement but I was in awe. The complexity of the stone was amazing, It looked as if it had neurons firing. The stone itself was thinking. The longer I looked at the stone the more I thought, maybe this was possible. The world must be coming to an end if I am considering that Tony may be right.

"J.A.R.V.I.S? What is this thing?" I ask out of curiosity.

"The sceptre is alien. There are elements I can't quantify. The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside, something powerful." J.A.R.V.I.S responds.

"What do you say?" Tony asks while looking at me.

"I'll do it. I'll help you try." I reply

For the rest of the day, we all worked in the lab to try and capture the complex system that was the jewel. The day went by so fast and before we knew it, it was 2:00 am. I looked up from the work in front of me just to see Tony passed out on the desk and Banner passed out on the ground in front of the desk. I stood up and walked back to my room. Once I had finally reached my room which felt like forever because this place was huge, I grabbed two blankets from my closet and walked back over to the lab. I placed a blanket on Tony and one for Banner. After many nights in this lab, we quickly learned that it does get very cold. After another long walk back to my room I collapsed onto my bed and within a matter of seconds I was out like a light.

I woke up the next day to Tony and Banner shaking me awake as they were in a hurry to get back to work

"What time is it?" I ask them

"Uhhh it is 6:00 am exactly," says Tony

"Come on let's get back to the lab," says Banner as he's already outside my door

"Alright, give me like 10 minutes to wake up and I'll be right down there," I say

The boys exit my room and just as I pull the blanket off myself and sit up I see Tony poke his head in.

"Thanks for the blankets kiddo," Tony says with a smile then leaves the room

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom so I could pull myself together and wake up. I took a look in the mirror and then proceeded to turn on the faucet and splashed some cold water on my face. I picked up my toothbrush and proceeded to brush my teeth. Once I was done with that I finished doing some of the things I needed to do and I got dressed. I chose to go comfy for today because I knew it would be a full day spent in the lab. I quickly headed down to the lab where Tony and Banner were already hard at work and by hard at work I mean arguing about something probably not even related to the task at hand.

"Here kiddo take this," Tony said as paused his argument and handed me a coffee

"Thanks, Tony," I said as I took the coffee and walked back over to my work station.

The day was filled with listening to Banner and Tony argue about the organization on each other workspaces, The odds of each other's methods working and a bunch of other very irrational stuff that I tuned out so we could conclude before the sceptre is returned to Asgard. After other full days of work, we still didn't come to a successful conclusion on Ultron. I returned to bed again and the next day felt the same.

Tony and I worked until about 7:00 pm the next day until J.A.R.V.I.S reminded Tony that the party he was hosting started in about 30 minutes. I ran my last test and once it was deemed as unsuccessful I headed to my bedroom to get ready for the party.

"See you in 30!" I said to Tony as I left the room.

I opened my closet door and grabbed my black dress. I quickly slipped it on and looked in the mirror. It was a tight dress but not something I wasn't comfortable in. It was between this and a red dress that has a bit more flare but that seemed much too formal for the occasion. I did some finishing touches on my hair and added a tiny bit of makeup to my face just to make it look less like I've gotten no sleep in the past 24 hours. I slid on some simple black shoes and closed my bedroom door behind me as I left. I made my way downstairs and could already hear the laughter from all the guests.

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