eighty percent

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As I laid on the panel, being slowly put into the CAT scan machine. I close my eyes and lay as still as possible. I could still feel the pain in my lower half but it was a lot less due to some medications the doctors had given me. When we were done, I was transferred over to a hospital bed and was wheeled into a room to await my results. I heard a faint knock on the door and looked over to see Vision standing in the doorway.

"Vis?" I say weakly

"Hello dear," he replied with a sympathetic smile

He walked up beside me and just analyzed my face. He pulled up a chair next to my bed and sat down. He hesitantly lifted his hand to hold mine and I welcomed the embrace. Vision looked deep into my eyes and as I looked back into his, I could only see guilt.

"I am, deeply sorry," he said while shifting his gaze towards the ground

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Vis," I say

"If I hadn't taken down the tower, perhaps-" I interrupt him

"No, this isn't your fault. I told you myself, I will do anything to save the people I care about," I state

He replies with a smile. He gently pulls my hand to his lips and places a soft kiss upon my skin. I couldn't help but blush.

"Does it hurt?" he asked

"Slightly, but Helen is on her way and I know she will be able to fix me up," I reply

As Vision looked at me all I could do was smile. I studied his face as he looked at me. Even when in worry, he was so handsome.

"Mr. Stark was here not too long ago. He got pulled away for a separate matter though," Vision states

"What pulled him away?" I ask

"He left to check on the others once he knew you were stable," Vision replies

"The other? Are they alright?" I say in worry

"Except for Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Barnes, they were all arrested," he says sympathetically

I sigh

"I suppose once I'm stable, that's where I'm headed?" I ask

"That I'm not too sure. Mr. Stark was quite adamant about keeping you out of 'The Raft' and their infirmary," Vision replies 

I simply nod and smile at the response.

"So no word from Steve or Bucky?" I ask

"Not that I know of," he says

"But enough about everyone else. You must only worry about getting better," he continues

Vision stands from his chair, letting go of my hand. I grow cold as his touch is removed from mine. He moves the chair back to where it was placed originally and he walks back over to my bedside. He gently lifts my head and moves me over, making room for himself. Once he is beside me in the bed, he lifts my head once again and shimmies underneath me, placing my head on his chest. I turn slightly, cuddling up to him. This was the most comfortable I could possibly be, no medication that these doctors gave me could make the pain go away like being in Visions arms did. He pulled me closer with his arm wrapped around me and let out a sigh of comfort. After a few minutes of silence, Vision cleared his throat.

"I'm not sure how or why, but you make me feel... different," he whispered

"You make me feel different too, Vis," I reply

"I had never felt the feeling that I did when I saw you underneath that tower. I felt fear," he added

"I thought you couldn't feel fear? synthetic amygdala, remember?" I chuckle

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