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I woke up screaming again and the lights turned on as I shivered in the bed. Mom walked over to me and sat beside me. She didn't say anything as I tried to compose myself. Finally, I couldn't keep it in anymore and started sobbing, leaning over onto my mom's shoulder. She put her arms around me and I just sobbed even more. Ever since I was taken out of the government facility and was finally able to go back home, I have had nightmare upon nightmare ranging in all directions. From Kasai dying, Mars dying, me dying, my parents completely rejecting me, Kole killing me, Dawaen beating me, getting cut open, exploding from trying to give birth, being trapped in a coma... It all felt so real and trying to sleep just seemed like an impossible task.

"I'm sorry." I told Mom, feeling that was the only word I knew anymore.

Whenever I woke up, she was always there. Either her or Dad, but I knew that neither of them were getting any sleep because of me. Mom rubbed my face softly, leaning in my head.

"It's okay, honey... What was it this time? Do you want to say?"

"Kasai again.... I just can't stop... Every time I try to close my eyes something bad happens. I know they are just nightmares but they are so vivid and I can feel everything. I'm so exhausted..."

"Have you thought about talking to Dr. Armiallo? I know you don't really want to but this is starting to become detrimental to your health. Have you slept even four hours straight since you've come back home?" I shook my head no. Getting an hour of peaceful sleep would have been fair enough for me. "I think you really need to talk to her. She's offered for everyone involved to speak with her for free... I'm going to schedule you an appointment."

"No, I'll be alright..."

"Maxxy." Mom pulled away and made me look at her. "Baby, it's okay to let someone else help you through your problems. You're not alone anymore and everyone around is pretty much on your side about everything that happened. There's no more doubt or speculation anymore. You can talk about it and no one will make fun of you..."

"I don't really know how, Mom... I just... I've had to keep this to myself and understand it for myself for so long without anyone's help that... that saying it..."

"I know it's hard but you went through a lot of trauma, Max, things that me and your father just can't help you with... things that we don't know. We are here to help you with anything you want us to and now that we've gotten out heads out of our asses, please know that we will never leave you... but even so, we inadvertently traumatized you as well. We left you when you so vulnerable and so confused... we should have been there..."

I got on my knees and hugged her. "I understand."

"Whether you understand or not is not the point. The fact of the matter is that we -your parents and the ones you trusted the most- left you to deal with all of this weird and convoluted mess alone. It's not right and to know that we actually did that you..."

"But you're here now... that's all that matters to me."

"We should have been there then... but in the meantime, Dr. Armiallo is willing to listen unbiased and help to treat these issues if you let her. You deserve to have a normal life now."

I laughed and pulled away to look at her. "A normal life? What does that word even mean anymore?" She laughed a little too and started to get up but I found myself grabbing her arm, panic flowing through me. "Don't go!" I let go and tried to keep my composure. "Please... please stay..."

She smiled and pulled her legs under the covers. I laid my head on her shoulder and fell asleep almost immediately.


The Oddities of Grand Marquis - Book 3: Elegant Armageddon 🪼✔️Where stories live. Discover now