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3rd Person POV:

        When Lynn Gunn was 19, a year ago, she started playing her music at bars and small shows with her band, Paris. Almost every night she would go out to play a show for some small crowd with Brian and Alex (the dudes in the band). Tonight was Friday, and while she was playing a set, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She ignored it and distracted herself from the annoying buzz by drowning her mind in the lyrics to Gemini as she let them slip off her tongue. She couldn't help but wonder though, just for a moment, who would call her during a show? When she closed Paris's set with a song called Demon Limbs, she walked off the stage and scavenged for some water. She finally found some, and chugged it. She had almost forgotten about her missed call when her pocket began to buzz again. The screen read "Unknown Number". She picked up the call to be greeted by a heavy British accent.

Caller: "Hello, could I please speak with Lyndsey Gunnulfsen?"

Lynn: "This is she."

Caller: "Yes, of course. Well, we have some news for you, and your remaining family has arranged a meeting at the police department tomorrow at 7:00 pm. We expect to see you."

Lynn: "Um, sure I suppose. I had a show tomorrow but I could cancel."

Caller: "Excellent. Well goodbye now."

Before Lynn could say a word, the man hung up. There she stood, in the hallway at a bar, slightly stunned. She went to find Brian and explained to him what was going on. He was totally cool with it and understood completely. "I'll just get Jenna to do vocals" suggested Brian. Jenna was one of Lynn's closest friends and one of the only people she trusted to take over for her at shows. "Okay, but can you tell Alex for me?". Brian cheerfully agrees and calls Jenna. Lynn gives him a thumbs up and walks to her car. As she starts to drive away, her phone buzzes once again. Without looking at it, she picks up her phone and puts it on speaker. Immediately she recognized the voice that yells her name to be Jenna McDougall's.

Lynn Gunn POV:

        "Lynn, hey. Brian asked me to do vocals for you tomorrow, what's up?" I could hear a hint of worry shining through the clouds that are her constant carefree attitude.

"Oh, I've just got some family meeting tomorrow. No big deal, I just can't miss it." I tried my best not to give off too much info, because well, I didn't have much myself. 

"Oooh, what kind of family meeting?" Jenna asked with obvious wonder in her voice.

"I actually have no idea." I said truthfully. "But I've gotta go, I'll be home soon, bye Jen."

"Bye" she said a bit disappointed.

I drive up to my apartment building and park. I unlock the door and walk in to see a tired brunette laying on my couch.


A/N: Sorry about the first chapter being so short, but I hope you guys like it. I wrote it late at night and I didn't have much time to continue it, but I'll keep it going soon.

Also, this is my first time posting one of my stories on here, and I'm not sure if it's that good, so idk. 

Anyways, Thank you so much for reading, ily c:

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