Parental Prison

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Lynn POV:

Tay and I walk up the steps of the police department, hand in hand. Tay's begins to shake a bit, so I give her hand a quick squeeze to remind her that nothing will go wrong. I'm not quite sure why she's so worried about this meeting in the first place, but I love her, so I won't question it.

We're greeted by a tall man with jet black hair and a suit. Some rich fucker my parents hired to arrange this whole thing, no doubt.

"Hello, I am John MacWinder."

Oh, it's this prick.

"Hi.". I see the man with the heavy british accent look towards Tay."

"Ah, yes, you must be the girl I talked to on the phone earlier, yes?"

I looked at Tay. She talked to him?

"Yes sir, that would be me.". Oh yeah, that's why she wanted to come in the first place.

"Alright well, right this way please.". He gestured for us to follow him.

As we walk down the hall I feel Tay grip my hand. She really does not trust this man, because her hold on my hand was tighter than that of an "I love you, please be near me" hand hold, this was a "Please don't let this pshycopath kill me" kind of hand hold.

The man leads us into a room with a table and some chairs. Sitting in those chairs were my mom and dad. My father immediately glares at Tay. He never approved of her, or me being gay. My mom though, oh, she loved Tay. 

"Lynn". My father stares at me from across the room. 

"Yes dad?" I challenge his fury with a semi-sarcastic tone.

"Just sit the fuck down." My father says sternly. My mother looks at him, disapproving of his hatefulness probably. I don't know, they're whispering so I can't hear.

Me and Tay take seats across from my parents, me across from my dad, her from my mom. I think it's better that way, she tends to take things to heart easier. Me, I couldn't care less if my dad liked Tay or not, because she's mine and she's not going anywhere, and if he can't accept that, fine.

"Lynn.". That's all I've really heard all day. Just my name. Is everyone just acknowledging my name today or something, Jesus fucking Christ. 

"I'm going to get straight to the point so we don't have to make this harder than it already is. You have a sister. We would bail her out but we just can't afford it. We know you two are more financially stable than us at the moment, with your brother and his hospital bills. Her name is Kristina."

My jaw dropped. Okay, I have a sister? This isn't even remotely believable. I look around the room looking for cameras. There is one, but then I realize that this is a police department. 

"Excuse me?"

My mom finally says something. "Please, please just bail her out. We haven't seen her in years. We didn't want to tell you because we knew it would just cause you stress knowing you had a sister in jail for all these years."

They were just going to let me live my entire life without even knowing I had a sister, just because she went to jail? I don't even know what she was in for.

"Please Lynn.The bail is set at $500 today."

"Fine. Family first I guess. But I'm going to have to meet this bitch before I bail her ass out of jail."

My dad nods and says "Follow me."

His face is always so angry. How did he ever get my upbeat, loving, accepting mom as a wife?

We walk out the door again and follow my dad down the hall. Tay takes my hand again, but this time it wasn't out of fear for the pedophile-looking man. This time, it was out of love, and out of respect for my decision on my sister, and I could feel it in her touch, and see it in her deep, brown eyes. I gripped her hand tighter, and I was lost in her eyes again. I almost forgot we were at the police station with my homophobic dad. Oh yeah, that. I looked ahead and gave her hand a quick squeeze to let her know I don't want to let go, but I did. I glanced over at her and she smiled at me, she got it. I love being able to communicate with people without words, it's such a beautiful thing.



I swear to god these keep getting gayer and gayer. I keep adding onto the things I wrote on paper, so I guess those are just outlines now. 

I know this story might be a little boring right now, but I'm working on stuff. 


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