Kris wtf

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Tay POV:

Dark, everything is dark. I can't see, I can't hear, but I can feel. I can feel Lynn's pulse on my hand, and I can tell this is driving her insane. Am I dead? 

No, I won't accept it that easy.

I need to wake up, now.

I try to move around, but have no luck. I try to open my mouth to speak, but remember I can't move, so I try making a sound. 


I suddenly open my eyes, I can see. Lynn pauses and looks up at me.

"T-Tay?" she stutters and widens her eyes in disbelief.

I can tell she's been crying for a while. The tips of her hair drenched, and her makeup smeared. 

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. But hey, I'm awake, it's going to be okay. 

I feel Lynn's grip on my hand tighten as I give her a light squeeze with mine. She breaks back into tears, which is a big deal for her, considering I rarely see her cry, and I'm around her more than anyone else.

"Fuck, Tay, I thought I lost you" she manages between sobs. "You scared the shit out of me."

Without thinking I say "How's Jenna?" and it worked. Lynn pauses once again, and opens the curtain next to my bed. 

"Hey Tay" Jenna says quite weakly with a a frail smile.

I smile back. "Jenna."

Lynn looks at me with a blank but relieved stare.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I'll be right back." she says as she quickly walks out of the room. Thank god, I needed time alone with Jen.

"Jen, how you feeling, love?"

"Fine, fine. What about you?"

"I'm alright." 

This conversation was so weak, the wind could blow it away. 

"Hey Tay?" Jenna asks with seriousness stitched in her tone.


"I've got to admit something to you. I thought we were both going to die. I thought I would never get to tell you this. But, I've got feelings for you Tay, I always have. It's fine if you never want to talk to me again, I understand. But I just do not want to die with that on my mind."

I turn my head to look out the window. How could this be? How could she have hidden this for so long?

A rush of strangeness courses its way all the way through my body, and it was bliss.

What have I been missing? 

I always knew I felt something for Jen, but I didn't know it was this. Did Lynn already know? Is that why she stormed out? Whatever, fuck it. This is not what I should be worried about right now.

Kristina POV:


I'm at Tay and Lynn's house.

And I'm really confused.

I get up off the couch and walk into the kitchen.

Frosted Flakes.

I pick up the box and pour it all into a bowl.

This would go nicely with pizza.

I go into the fridge and get a box of pizza.

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