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Lynn POV:

"Lynn! How was your set?" Tay says as she springs up off the couch and pulls me into a warm embrace. I hug back as she lightly kisses my head. I reply with "It was good. I got a call actually from some dude though, and apparently I've gotta meet up with the fam and miss tomorrow's set." Tay finally releases me from her loving grip and asked "Who was it?" with extreme worry in her eyes. Oh those eyes. Sometimes I wish I could just-

"Lynn?" I realize I was just staring at her after she had expected an answer to her oh-so-serious question. "Sorry, it's just, nevermind. I actually have no idea who it was. But the meeting will be at the police department, so I'll be safe." I smirk "Don't worry so much, love." Tay smiles shyly and looks down at the ground. "Babe, it's late, I'm tired." I sigh and look at my tired girlfriend. I smile and pick her up. "Lynn! What are you doing? Put me down." She yells playfully as she tries to wiggle free. I put her down on the bed and she wraps herself in blankets. I change into my P.J.'s and attempt to get under the covers with the stubborn, tired, Tay. She cuddles up to me and lets me under. Every thought and wonder of what may happen tomorrow floods into my head. I quickly force them out and peacefully fall asleep.

--The next morning--

I frantically wake up without Tay beside me. What time is it? Did I oversleep? I was supposed to take Tay to her band practice today. I got up and ran to the kitchen. There was my love, sitting on the counter, eating out of a box of cereal. "Tay?". She simply stared at me and continued to eat Frosted Flakes. "Tay..?" I say, trying to imply I wanted an explanation, once again. She breaks into laughter when I take the box away and leap over the couch. She launches herself at me, but I'm way stronger than my fragile little angel. Our alarm goes off in our room. "Tay, go to work" I say with a smile. She groans but goes and gets dressed. When she comes back, she looks like she's ready to go play an entire Warped Tour in one day. "Do you like my vest?" She says sarcastically. She's wearing my vest. "Damn it Tay!" I laugh. "Anything you wear, even if it's mine, it's going to look good." She blushes and laughs as she grabs my keys off the counter. "Go long!" she yells. I give her a glare as she tosses me the keys. I pull on my leather jacket and walk out the door. As I get in the car I realize I'm still in my pajamas. "Uh Tay, I forgot to change. I'll be right back I swear.". She laughs and I run back up to the apartment to change.

Tay Jardine POV:

As Lynn walks back up to our apartment, I couldn't help but wonder who had called her yesterday. She said she didn't know who it had been, but how would they have gotten her number? Stop worrying, damn it Tay! You trust Lynn with your life, why wouldn't you trust her now?

3rd Person POV:

Lynn's phone rings next to her and Tay can't help but look. "Unknown Number". Tay picks up the phone and answers it. "Hello, is this Lyndsey Gunnulfsen?". Tay was confused, almost no one calls her Lyndsey. "Uh, no, who's this?". She waited for an answer for what felt like an eternity. "I am John MacWinder, and you?". Tay hesitated. "My name is Tay Jardine, Lynn's girlfriend. Now tell me what you want." A moment of silence passed until the man, John, said, "I was calling to remind Lynn of her meeting tomorrow. 7:00 pm, remind her for me, yes?" His British accent lingered in Tay's head for a moment. She did not trust this man. "Uh, um, sure. Bye." She hung up.


A/N: Yeah so, that's chapter two. Should I name my chapters or nah?

Anyways thank you for reading, I really appreciate every read I get.

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