Jebus Cheebus

211 11 4

Alexa POV:

As I sit on the couch with Cosima watching OITNB, I hear a knock on the door. It better be Lynn.

I get up off the couch and open it, and standing in front of me is Lynn, more beautiful than I'd ever seen her before. She's obviously done her hair, and it looked so fucking amazing. She wore black high waisted skinny jeans and a tight black crop top with a leather jacket over it.

"You look beautiful." I say in awe.

She blushes and smiles at the ground.

"You do too."

She seems nervous, so I take her hand.

"You ready to go?" I ask.

"Of course."

We walk out to my motorcycle, hand in hand. When I get on, she lets go, and the warmth from her hand is greatly missed.

But to make up for it, she gets on behind me and wraps her arms around me.

I start up the bike and drive to my favorite restaurant; The Rock.

We get off my bike, and she almost immediately takes my hand, forcing an amazing feeling up my spine, causing a huge smile to form on my face.

We walk in, and I watch as she takes in the great scenery.

"You've never been here?" I ask, hopeful of taking her someplace new.

"Nope, but I'm pumped to try it."

A waitress leads us to a booth and we sit opposite of each other.

"What do you wanna get?"

"I dunno, what do you usually get?"

"Pizza." I laugh. "I know, I'm pretty lame, but what kind do you want?"

Lynn smiles and says "My favorite is Hawaiian, but we can get whatever you want."

"My favorite is Hawaiian too."

She smiles even bigger. "I guess it's settled then?"

"Duh" I laugh.


As we finish our pizza, we pay and walk back out to my bike. I hop on, still thinking about that amazing date. I've gotta take her somewhere now. Somewhere cool, in the middle of nowhere.

She jumps on behind me, once again wrapping her arms around me, but tighter this time. I start up the motorcycle and we ride off to another one of my favorite places; the train tracks.

Once we get there, I grab her hand and lead her to a little place under the bridge, leaving my bike on in the distance as a light. I turn on Pandora and a band I'd never heard of starts to play.

"What is this? It's really weird, but it's fucking great."

I look down to my phone. "Jebus Cheebus....."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" She starts laughing.

"I'll look it up" I begin laughing too.

I find the band's Wikipedia, and try to figure out what kind of a dumbass would name their band Jebus Cheebus.

"Oh my god."

"What? What's it mean?"

"This is Kristina's band."

She laughs even harder but manages to get out; "Well that makes a lot more sense"

"Right?" I laugh along with her.

"Oh my god, let's go ask her about it."

"Let's go" I say, reaching my hand out for her to take.

She smiles and takes my hand as we get back on my bike and go back to Lynn's.


"Kristina!" I hear Lynn call out when we get there.

"Yeah, dipshit?" She yells back.

So that's why I love these two so much.

I walk into the living room and plop my ass down on a couch.

"Alexa has a question that we would like the answer to." Lynn says, leading Kristina into the living room as well.

Kristina vaults over the couch and majestically lands into a sitting position. "Yes, Alexa?" She asks, putting her hand under her head innocently.

"Two words, Jebus Cheebus."

Immediately, she bursts out into uncontrollable laughter. "MY BAND!" She screams, still laughing maniacally.

"No fucking shit" Lynn adds, causing Kristina to slap the air in attempt to slap Lynn, then realizing Alexa San Roman would beat her ass for it.

"Don't even touch her, pal."

"Fight me, Alexa." I smile as I stand up, knowing she'll back down.

"Nope, nevermind, I'm good." She says, sinking back into the couch.

Even though I'm like half a foot shorter than her, she knows I'd whoop her for Lynn.

I look behind me, only to see Kristina doing jumping jacks on the counter.

"Get down, you're gonna fall, asshole." I say, confused but laughing.


"Well... Okay I guess."

She jumps down silently, and crouches down on the ground. After a moment, she unexpectedly launches herself up into the air.

"Are you-" Lynn starts, only to be cut off by "YES, YES I AM DOING EXTREME SQUATS." Kristina yells.

"Oh." Lynn and I say at the same time.

Andy walks into the room, and stares at Kristina doing "extreme squats" for a moment before joining in.

"What are we doing" Andy asks.

"Don't know, don't care." Kristina replies.

I whisper in Lynn's ear; "I know how to get them out, but it requires Netflix."

"Anything to end the burning in my eyes from male ass."

I laugh and turn on her Netflix. I scroll to The L Word, and play a random episode.

"What the fuck is this?" Kristina pauses, mid-squat, with her head turned toward the TV at almost a 180 degree turn.

"A lesbian drama." I reply.

Andy jerks his head around. "Is there lesbian sex?"

I sigh. I guess this means they want to watch. "Yes, Andy."

He gets a weird, creepy, perverted smile on his face and turns his head toward Kristina, who already had a similar smile on her face and was turned toward him.

"Kristina, why would you want to watch?" Lynn asks.

"I'm bi, dumbshit."

"Really?" Lynn says, quite confused.

"I bet Andy likes that" I say just quiet enough that only Lynn can hear, and she breaks out laughing.

"Damn it Alexa!" She says, cracking up.

"Are you guys dating?" Andy asks seriously.

I, almost on impulse, take Lynn's jaw in my hand and begin deeply kissing her. She kisses back, with a passion that shows she wants more. I pull away, smiling for tease. "Later" I whisper.

"Nope." I say smiling, and turning back to Andy.


Well hello there, my children.


Anyways. Yes. This is a fanfic. Thanks. I love you. Bye. I'm hanging up.

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