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Kristina POV:

It's hot in here.

Or maybe that's just Shane.

I don't know.

I take off my sweatshirt for once, and Lynn looks over with surprise.

"What?" I ask Lynn.

"You've got hella tattoos."

I look down, realizing I've never shown her my one and a half sleeves of tattoos. "Oh, yeah I guess so."

"Why do you always wear that sweatshirt?"

I look down to the floor and smile as best as I can.

"Just an old habit I guess."

"What does tha-" Lynn starts as Alexa touches her arms and looks at her, warning her that she probably shouldn't continue.

"Oh.. Okay, got it. Sorry."

I lean my head on Andy, attempting to be smooth for once, as Gerard jumps onto my head.

"MOTHERFUCKING CAT GODDAMN IT GET THE FUCK OFF" I scream, doing an unintentional dance in attempt to get that stupid fucking cat literally out of my hair.

Alexa jumps off the couch, tackling me to the ground, causing the cat to bolt in another direction.

"Fucking bitch get off me!" I yell at Alexa.

"Bro, I just saved you from an insane fucking cat. be bloody grateful."

I crouch down on the floor for a moment to think about it, and Alexa gets tired of waiting and goes to sit by Lynn, probably because a sex scene comes onto The L Word on the TV.

Yup, that was definitely why.

They start making out, and I launch over the couch onto Andy.

"SUP BABE?" I scream, startling the shit out of Andy, Lynn, and Alexa.

Andy looks at me. "Let's just go to my house."

I swear to god if he just wants to bang I'm done with him.

Hahahaha just kidding, what? Who would break up with Andy-fucking-Biersack? Not me, that's set in stone.

"Oooooookay but I ain't goin just to hit it." I say with a serious smile.

Andy stares at me a little taken back. "I- Um.. Okay I.."

"Shut the fuck up Andy. Go home."

He laughs. "No way."

"Bro, go home. I'm for realin right now."

He look over to Lynn. "Dude, I can't help you, but it's my apartment, I guess you're out 'till Kristina says you're chill."

Andy gets up off the couch and walks out the door. "Fucking fine then Kris, but don't expect me to come crawling back."

"Don't fucking call me 'Kris' or you ain't coming back."

He looks at me in kind of a hurt way, and walks out.

I curl up on the couch and Lynn comes and sits on one side of me, Alexa on the other. Lynn holds my shoulder gently. "You'll be okay, Kristina, I promise." Lynn says, as Alexa glances over at her with a worried look.

"I'll be fine, I know."

"I know what'll make you feel better." Alexa says with a smirk.

Lynn looks over to her with a smile. "You know where my case is, go grab it."



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