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        As we approached the cell my "sister" was in, I asked my dad how she got here. All I got in return was an "Ask her yourself.". Okay, he's a major cock, but he's not usually this bad. Whatever, might as well let it go rather than making some big-ass argument again.

We continued walking closer to the cells until my father stopped and peered into one. "Kristina," he started. "This is your sister." he said, almost disgusted with me. What the fuck is going on? This isn't normal for him. I move to where I can see into the cell. Inside, a tall, pale, skinny figure stood. She had blonde hair but on the top it was dyed blood red. She wore a white button up shirt with blue skinny jeans. Over her button-up, a black BVB hoodie, and to top it all off, she wore a red beanie. 

"Hey, I'm Lynn. I'm guessing you're Kristina."


One word and I already know what she got arrested for.

"I'll pay up front" I say turning to the officer behind us.

"You'e going to pay my bail? This is literally the first time we've ever spoken."

"Hey, family is family Kris"

"Please do not call me Kris." I roll my eyes at her.

"I'll call you whatever the hell I want to. Now let's get you out of here."

"So wait, you're just giving up $500 for the sister that got sent off before you were born?"

"You were literally 3. It's not your fault." After that remark she's got nothing to say.

"Now listen Kris," I begin as she glares at me. "I'm willing to get to know you, and I'm willing to let you stay at our place. So just behave yourself, right?" Jesus Christ I feel like I'm babysitting. Wait, what the fuck am I talking about, she's 3 years older than me? "Not mentally though." I whisper to myself, not even realizing I had said it out loud until I did. 

"What?" Tay asks.

I just look at her and smile "I have no clue".

"Wait hold the hell up. Who the fuck is this?" I hear Kristina pipe up again, apparently just noticing Tay. "Some friend you brought along to meet your druggie sister? Huh? Is that it? God damn it I knew I couldn't trust you!"

"Slow the fuck down Kristina. She's not exactly my friend." I say, trying my hardest not to piss her off even more. To my surprise, the shy Tay holds out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Tay, Lynn's girlfriend". Damn, I loved it when she claimed me in front of people.

Kristina's eyes soften and her lips almost smile a bit. Is she gay too? Is this chill with her?

"Awww Lynn, I didn't know I had a gay sister! That's adorable!"

She didn't exactly seem like the type to get all mushy on me, but can I really complain when someone is this accepting?

Tay POV:

        "Why exactly are we even bailing this chick out in the first place?"; the question played through my head like a broken record. I'm not against it or anything, just why? Why were we bailing out this "sister" that Lynn never even met? She'd already been rude to me, not to mention Lynn, but it was an honest mistake. Oh well, there's no backing out now, am I right? I could learn to like her, this could be fun.

We pay Kristina's bail and take her out to the car. While we're driving down the road, I attempt at a conversation.

"So, Kristina, you seeing anyone?" I ask, trying to figure out her sexuality. She looked gay enough to me, but I'm not going to bust out my gaydar on someone I wouldn't date.

"Yeah, his name is Andy." Straight, or maybe bi, but finally, some kind of straight friend. 

"Andy who? Maybe we know him."


Did she just say what I think she just said? I look over to Lynn, who's jaw had already dropped to the floor.

"Y-you're dating Andy-fucking-Biersack?" I stutter, still stunned.

"Yeah, he's in a band, I guess you know Black Veil Brides then." she laughs.

"Hell yeah" Lynn and I say, almost machine-like because of how in awe we are.

"Wow, you must worship him or some shit."

"Close enough" I say, leaning back into my seat.

The rest of the car ride was silent except for the quiet music that was playing in the background, but then again, when in my life is music not playing?

We get to our apartment and go to the extra room to set up for Kristina.

"I'm gonna piss myself if I don't ask, but where is your bathroom?" she says rather urgently. Wow, how pleasant could this girl get? I kinda like the way she's straightforward, but it definitely surprised me, something I'll have to get used to with her around.

"Down the hall, second door on the left"

"Thanks". And with that she bolts out of the room.

After she leaves, I speak up to Lynn. 

"Quite the charmer, isn't she?"

"We'll get used to it" she says as she brings in the last of Kristina's bags.

"How long will she be here?" I pout.

"It doesn't matter Tay, go to bed". She smiles at me. I really can't resist that smile, so I go to change.

I pass Kristina in the hallway, and she gives me a weird look that I couldn't really read. What the fuck was that? Whatever, I'll just let it go for now and if she does it again I'll confront her.

I walk into the bathroom to remove my makeup, only to be greeted by the strong smell of pot lingering in the air. How did she smoke a joint that quick, she wasn't gone for long at all. And besides, if she wanted to smoke, she could have told me and the three of us could go to Lynn and I's "grassy field" behind the apartment to smoke. Hey, you've gotta blow off steam somehow.

I decide to once again, ignore Kristina's weird shit and just go to bed. I'll deal with her weird ass in the morning. I mean come on, you've been in our house less than five minutes and it already smells like pot. I remove my makeup and head off to bed, and wait for Lynn. 

About ten minutes later, Lynn walks into the room, looking mildly annoyed.

"Hey babe," she whispers. "were you smoking in the bathroom again? You know we could've just gone up to grass."

"It wasn't me, promise. I think it was Kristina."

She laughs. "God damn it, I'm starting to enjoy her already".

Well that makes one of us.

"Me too, she seems chill."

"Tay, she was high" Lynn teases.

"You know what I mean. Now come over here and keep me warm, you little shithead."

"Love you too." she laughs.

"Whatever" I say as I wrap my arms around her.

"Goodnight" I whisper, but she's already asleep.

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