Breaking & Entering

222 18 7

Tay POV:

I feel fucking fantastic, so energized and ecstatic. They're letting me go home today, and Jenna'll be waiting for me.

Okay, so not my real home, but I feel something insane for her, and I don't want to hurt Lynn. I'm breaking up with her tomorrow though, because I don't want to be a cheater.

Fuck, what am I doing? Throwing the last 3 years of my life down the drain?

Guess so.

Do I have another choice? Live unhappily with Lynn or go to someone I think I was made for, I guess, are my only options.


On my way home with Jenna, she takes my hand.

"It'll be okay, don't worry about it, alright?"

Her accent could never get old.

I squeeze her hand tighter as we drive down to the apartments that Lynn and I live in, and turn into the parking lot. I kind of forgot Jenna lived around here too...

We walk to the back of the apartment building and unintentionally find Lynn, Alexa, Andy, and Kristina all smoking pot.

I quickly drop Jenna's hand, but Lynn had already seen it. She dropped her pipe and it shattered. She sprints up to the room and slams the door, Alexa following close behind.

How the fuck does Lynn know Alexa?

I run up to the room, only to find that it's locked, and I hadn't brought my keys with me to the hospital.

With hope to make things right, I press my ear against the door and listen as closely as I can.

I hear sobs from Lynn.

Oh god, I fucked up. Lynn doesn't cry like that.

I guess this is my chance to break up with her.

"TAY!" she screams; "I know you're listening, so listen the fuck up. We're done, you fucking cheated on me, while you were in the damn hospital!" She opens the door, her face now containing rivers flowing from her eyes. "I sat home, crying my fucking eyes out, not knowing if you were going to live or die, and no doctor would talk to me. I fucking knew it Tay, I knew it. It's done. Get away from my god damn apartment, you can pick up your bullshit when I'm not home. I never want to see you again."

I step back, not only shocked, but worried.

Was this the wrong decision?

Yeah, it was, but Jenna gets me high, without the drugs.

Whatever, I need to not worry, to not care. I need to let go of everything lately, I deserve it, after all.


Yeah, two chapters in a half an hour, how do you feel about that?




None of the above?


Yeah, this one was short, but hey, two in like a half an hour, cut me some slack pal.

I just realized I end a lot of chapters weed-related.

Oh well, bye.

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