Apartment 182

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Alexa POV:

I can't get her out of my head.

Her long, wavy, beautiful brown hair.

Her deep green eyes.

And I just met her last night.

What the fuck am I doing? Her girlfriend is in the fucking hospital, clear your damn head, you piece of shit.

But we can be friends though, right?

Yeah, definitely. She needs someone.

I pick up my phone and text the number that was recently put into my phone.

Alexa: hey, how you doing? its alexa btw

Lynn: im ok.

Alexa: u sure? im here for u.

Lynn: can u come over? i think i just need someone around.. btw my sister and her boyfriend r over but theyll stay outside..

Alexa: of course! address?

Lynn: I forget, tay always helped me with that, ive got a bad memory. u know the apartments down the street from that coffee shop? its room #182

Alexa: b there in 5.

Lynn: thanks (:

I go downstairs to where my motorcycle was parked and head out to Lynn's.

On my way, I realize how close we live, and how we've never met before. Weird.

When I arrive, I go to the hallways near the back to go to the apartments, and find a tall short-haired blonde sitting on the steps with a guy that looks like Andy Biersack.

"Hey, you must be that chick that Lynn told me was coming over. I'm Kristina."

"Hey." I say reluctantly as she shakes my hand.

I turn to the man. "Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Andy Biersack?"

He laughs a little, and with a smile he says "Yeah, I kinda am him so um."

I pause.

So, Lynn's sister is dating Andy Biersack. Okay, I can see this friendship lasting.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Alexa San Roman, you know, from Love, Robot?"

"You know my band?," I say a little taken back "you're Andy Biersack, why waste time on the small bands?"

"They're better." he says with a wink.

Not sure how to take it, I smile and make my way to the door.

  # 182 

Yeah, this is the place.

I knock on the door and wait for Lynn to answer.

When she opens the door, I notice the ends of her hair is wet, and her eyes are red and puffy from crying.

I immediately pull her into a hug.

"Lynn, oh my god, it'll be okay. Let's go inside." I say while still in the tight hug.

She lets go for a moment and we walk inside and sit on the couch.

We sit down next to each other, and she laid her head on my shoulder. It felt as if we'd known each other for years.

"Alexa?" she looks up at me.


"Can we talk? I need to just let everything out, I didn't tell you everything yet."

"Of course, I told you I'm here for you."

Lynn started, and sounded like she was about to cry, her voice cracking periodically, her eyes holding back tears.

"I think Tay is in love with Jenna."

"Woah, woah, woah, let's not jump to conclusions here, why would you say that?"

"When she woke up, she didn't even acknowledge me. She immediately asked for Jenna, it was like an automatic thing. I know they've been hanging out more often, but I don't think that's got anything to do with it. I just know, I've got that vibe. And I know Jenna likes Tay, which makes the situation toxic."

I paused, I didn't know what to say. I know Tay, we're not close at all, I just give her a lift to band practice sometimes. We used to be close, but we just kind of stopped talking as much as we did. She may be flaky, but she sure as hell isn't one to cheat.

I finally speak up "I don't think she would cheat on you, she's better than that."

"You know her?" Lynn asks suspiciously.

"Yeah, of course, we went to high school together. She's never talked about me?"

"Oh, you're that Alexa, haha alright. Guess my head's been too cluttered to put two and two together."

"It's all good, but really, I think she's better than that. If she does feel anything, she's holding back to save you."

Lynn looks up to me, once again, tears streaming down her cheeks like rivers.

"You think she still cares about me?"

"I fucking know so."

"But she doesn't love me."

Again, speechless, I drop my head towards the ground and notice that Lynn's is too, but there are tears falling to the floor where she is.

"I'm sorry Lynn, but promise me you won't be angry at either of them? They haven't done anything wrong, as far as we both know, they're just feeling things."

After a bit of silence, I sunk back into the couch to get comfortable. Lynn hesitantly laid down on me, attempting to cuddle. I know she's used to being the dominant one, but she needs comfort, and she needs it quick.

I put my arm around her.

"Do you wanna watch Netflix?" she asks?

"Sure." I smile.

She turns it to season one, episode one of Orange is the New Black

"How did you know I liked this?" I ask her, genuinely happy.

"You're gay, all lesbians like it."

"I didn't say I was gay...."

She shrugs. "It's kinda obvious. Half shaved head, flannel tied around waist, black skinny jeans, Doc Martens, aviators, snapbacks, beanies, the list goes on and on. Don't tell me you're in the closet, you gay ass motherfucker!" she laughs with the last part.

"Of course not, god damn, I was just a little surprised I made it that obvious." I chuckle into my words.

"Oh come on, you give off a gayer vibe than Kristen Stewart."

I look at her and laugh. "What the fuck?" I continue to laugh.

"Are you high?" she jokes.

"Not at the moment, I'm much too busy spending money on music than weed."

Lynn puts her hand to her chin, pretending to think about something.

"Consider your problem solved, my dear friend."


Yup, yup. Probably a boring chapter, um.. yeah. I have an idea of what I'm doing, I think. Yeah. Yup. Yes. Goodbye.

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