Better Off (Alone)

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Tay POV:

"Tay!" I hear from the kitchen.

"Lynn?" I say, startled, just woken up.

I look over to the clock. 5:24. Why the fuck is she awake so early?

I get up, a bit alarmed now, and walk into the kitchen.

"How do you want your eggs?"

"Um... Shouldn't I be the one making apology omelettes?"

"Well.. Yeah, but hey, food is food."

Her words may sounds light, but her tone isn't, with sarcasm obviously planted throughout her dialogue.

I look over her shoulder into the pan, while she angrily makes scrambled eggs.

"Um... Babe... Could you try not to poison and/or burn it.....?" I say playfully into her ear.

She whips her head around and I stumble into the counter, the pan falling just inches from my feet with half-cooked eggs splattering onto the wooden floor.

"You little bitch, Tay. I know you, I knew this would happen at some point, I was dreading the day it did. You meant everything to me, Tay."

I try to step back, but just back into the counter even more. Finally I stutter out a few words.

"L-Lynn, I swear to you, nothing happened, promise, please don't do this, yo-"

I stop. I can't do it anymore. I drop to the ground in defeat, my back leaning against the lower counter.

"You mean so fucking much to me." I whisper "Please don't let this go."

Tears stream down my face and fall off my chin onto my knees as I look up at Lynn, who avoids my eyes.

"Tay, I simply can't do it. Honestly, it would kill me inside to be with you after you've felt this way for another girl."

I drop my eyes to my knees, and let it go. I sob into my knees as Lynn stands there, tears falling from her eyes as well.

"Fuck, Tay, I love you, but I can't keep this up. We can try and be friends, I wouldn't want these years I've been with you to go to waste."

I pause for a moment.

Maybe this could work out.

Lynn and I could be friends again, like before we were ever together.

Then, with a little time, Jenna and I could be together, and it could all work out fine.

I look back to Lynn, who had her eyes fixed on me.

"Get up." She said softly, as she held her hand out to pull me up.

She pulled me closer to her, almost close enough to press my lips to hers.

She beat me to it.

"This is for goodbye." She whispered into the kiss, then pulling me deeper.

I savored the taste until the very last moment, and even after.

Just as I was going to wrap my arms around her lower back, she pulled away, causing my heart to sink deep into my chest.

I pull her back in, but just close enough that I can clearly, closely see her sparkling deep green eyes one last time.

"So, this is it?" I whisper, almost apologetically.


I let go and walk to our room to call Jenna.

"Jen?" I say, trying to hold back tears.

"Hey, Tay, I thought you weren't supposed to call anymore. What's wrong?" Jenna speaks quickly and worriedly.

"I.... Lynn... We broke it off. I need a place to stay."

A moment of silence followed.

After about thirty seconds; "Tay, you know you're always welcome here, but are you sure it won't just make things worse?"

"Hey, things couldn't get worse, and you're the last person I can go to, right?"

"Yeah, yeah that makes sense. When do you want to come over?"

I think for a moment.

"How about later tonight?"

I couldn't stand to sleep one more night next to Lynn, it would be far too awkward.

"I'll pick you up then, love."

I knew it was an Aussie thing, but "love" was damn cute.

Before I knew it, I was laying on the bed, waiting for the world to end.

"Stop being so fucking sad, snap out of this shit Tay." I say aloud, hoping no-one heard.

No such luck.

Right as I looked up, Kristina was paused in the doorway, posed a bit ostrich-like, with her head poking into the room with her body leaned back, with a big-ass suspicious grin on her face.

"You are such a dumbass" I laugh. "I'm gonna miss having you around."

For once, Kristina drops the creepy stares and takes something seriously for once... Weird.

"Wait, what? You're kicking me out?"

I smile and shake my head while patting the bed, motioning for her to sit down.

She leaps across the room and jumps onto the bed, all in one stride.

Jesus Christ, this bitch is tall.

She sits down next to me on the bed with her legs crossed.

"I'm moving out, Kris."

She rolls her eyes in annoyance, then looks back to me.

"No fucking way. You guys are adorable!"

"Guess not anymore, eh?"

I get up and start to change.

I pick out an outfit for the day and settle on black skinny jeans, a white and red Joan Jett tee and a red beanie.

I pull on my clothes and turn back to Kristina.

"But you were coooooooool and didn't get pissed when I insulted the shit out of you."

"Yeah, we could've been friends."

"Yeah." Kristina looks to the side.

"What's wrong?" I ask, something more than this obviously bothering her.

"It's just that... It's just that everyone in my life kinda just leaves unexpectedly. I had no-one until I met Andy, and he introduced me to a ton of other people in bands and made sorta-friends, but we barely ever see each other. I didn't expect you to leave before I annoyed the shit out of you, I expected that to come later."

"I-I'm sorry. Maybe we can be friends if Lynn and I get to be friends as well. Fuck, I'm sorry." I say as I pack a backpack of things I'll need.

Let's just put it this way, I most definitely did not forget the weed.

"That''s a lot of weed, dude."

"Lot of weed for a lot of problems." I say with a sarcastic smile.

After I'm packed, I tell Kristina I need to take a nap before Jenna gets here.

"No problem, I'll let you know when she gets here."

I fall asleep, only to be awakened, after what must have been hours later, by the sound of a knock on the door.

"Tay!" I hear Kristina call.


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Feedback and ideas would be rad ,

Thanks c: ♥

[title: Better Off (Alone) by Fit For Rivals]

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