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Alexa POV:

I write down lyrics in my notebook as I watch the raindrops chase each other down the foggy window of the bus.

But there's not much that I can do

When the issues are inside of you.

And you're too hot to be this cold.

I stop writing as a girl sits in the seat next to me.

"Sorry, the rest of the seats are taken." She says, obviously worn out. I study her for a moment, but not long enogh to make it awkward.

"No, no, don't be sorry. Are you alright? You look like you've had a rough day." As soon as I say it, I partially regret it, not wanting to butt into her personal life, after all, I am a stranger.

"You wouldn't want to hear it, honestly." 

She sounds like she needs someone to listen.

"No, I do. You seem like you need a friend. I may be a stranger but I can be there."

Shit, my stop is coming up soon.

She looks up at me, afraid to trust me.

"I promise." I say, reassuring her that she can.

"Okay, I guess. Well, my best friend got into some kind of motorcycle accident, and was unconscious for like two days, I don't even know how long I was at that hospital, honestly. And my girlfriend, fuck, she just randomly passed out at the hospital and hit her fucking head, and was unconscious for longer than Jenna, my friend. I'm so fucking worried about both of them, but apparently I was being a cock to one of the doctors and they sent me home. I'm sorry, it's dumb, it's all dumb."

I listen to every word she says, completely and totally ready to console her, when my stop comes.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, this is my stop. But if you want, we can go grab a coffee down the street and we can talk more?"

She takes my offer into consideration and, after a few short moments, she nods her head and we get off the bus.

We walk down to the small coffee shop, a few blocks from my apartment. 

"So, I guess I should start off with my name. I'm Alexa, what about you?"

"I'm Lyndsey, but just call me Lynn." she says, with no emotion in her voice.

As we enter the shop, we are greeted to a familiar slow song playing in the background.

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time cannot erase

Lynn pauses, and looks like she's about to cry.

Out of habit, I touch her shoulder softly and look her in the eyes.

"It'll be okay, I promise."

She nods, and I see her blink back tears as she walks to a table, and I follow.

We sit down and she pours out her heart.

Everything she feels right now, everything she fears, comes out, floods out of her mouth to me.

This girl really needs someone right now.

"Lynn, I promise you, they will be okay. And if not, I'm here for you, and I'm sure other people are as well."

I felt a bit uncomfortable telling her that I was there for her, after all, we just met, but I was.

She looked up at me again and thanked me.

"Thank you so fucking much, Alexa. Thank you for listening. To at least try and make up for my shit, I'm going to pay for your coffee."

"Nope, I won't allow it. I'm paying. I want you to feel better."

She glances at me before she hangs her head back down to her feet.

"Thank you, thank you so much. Please call me, we should be friends."

She looks back up to me again, this time, with hope and pain in her eyes. I smile.

"Of course we can be friends, it would be a shame to have this night go to waste."

For the first time all night, I see Lynn smile. It's a weak one, but it's there, and it's beautiful. She's strong, she can get through this, but she's going to need help. I'm willing to provide it for her.

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