Wrong Side of Heaven

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Tay POV:

        I trust Lynn, I really do, but sometimes she makes shitty choices. What if this guy is going to try to hurt her? I've made up my mind, I'm going with her.

Lynn POV:

        I get back in the car, fully clothed this time. Tay looks at me worriedly, and I notice my phone in her hands. 

"He called again, Lynn."

I give her my "what the hell are you talking about?" look.

"That British guy."

I looked at her and laughed.

"That's what you're so worried about?"

She responds with a serious look in her eye and I instantly know she's serious.

"Babe, relax. I'll take you to practice, and I'll get ready to go later. And if it makes you feel any better, you can come with me. I'll pick you up on my way, okay?"

She looked a bit more reassured, and I love to make her feel safer. I wouldn't want her stressing out over something as small as this.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Should I ask Alexa to bring me?"

I smiled. God, Tay is so cute.

"If you want, I could pick you up though."

She nodded with that cute smile of hers. Oh, how I adore her smile. 

"Call me when you want me to pick you up."

As soon as we pull up to the studio, she gets out of the car. I'd have to admit, I felt a little sad inside that she didn't kiss me goodbye. I face forward and start the car up again. Before I know it, I feel soft lips on my cheek. 

"Bye Lynn." she says as she gets back out of the car. Great, now I''m the smiling idiot.

"See you at 7." I say right before she shuts the door. I'm not sure if she heard me, but oh well, I'm responsible.., Right? 

I drive off and find myself exhausted. When I get back to the apartment, I lock the door behind me and drop onto the couch.

—6:00 pm—

I wake up to the lovely sound of my loud-ass phone going off.

"Uh, hello?" I answer groggily.

"Babe, practice ended early. Can you come pick me up?"  Shit, Tay.

"What the fuck? What time is it?"

"Lynn, it's 6. You have a phone."

"Oh.. Um sorry, I'll be there in 5."

I hung up, grabbed my leather jacket, and went out to the motorcycle. Fuck cars, I only ride them when it's a cold morning. But it's later now, so I can feel the wind flow through my hair.

I ride up to Tay's studio, where she was waiting for me outside.

"Hey Tay, you ready to head up and see the fam?". I knew she wasn't, my family has never been too fond of the girls in my life.

Tay rolled her eyes at my remark and turned up the stereo to hear Five Finger Death Punch playing.

"Arms wide open

I stand alone

I'm no hero

And I'm not made of stone"

I yelled "YES OH MY GOD" at the top of my lungs, and Tay just yelled "YES!"

"Right or Wrong

I can barely tell

I'm on the wrong side of heaven

and the righteous side of hell"

We practically screamed the rest of the lyrics until we got to the police station. Wow, I love our relationship. Like, how fucking lucky could I be to have that beautiful brunette girl with those cute little dimples singing along to one of my favorite bands with me?

"Lynn." Tay pulls me out of my oblivion and takes me by the hand. "Let's go."



Was that short? I dunno. I'm gonna update more often, sorry that I haven't lately. It's just that I had my laptop taken away & shit, so idk. I have the next like... 2 chapters written on paper, so it's just a matter of typing, revising, and editing I suppose. Anyways, thanks so fucking much for reading.

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