Stitched Up Heart

213 15 4

Tay POV:

Jenna takes my hand, we're in her apartment now, laying in bed, just woken up. I look at the clock. 9:47 am.

My heart floods with regret.

"You need to talk to her."

I look away. She was right.

"I know. This is happening really fast, I'm still comprehending it all."

No more kisses, no more cuddles, no more anything with Lynn. God damn I'm going to miss her.

"Jenna, I don't think this is a good idea right now. I need to talk to Lynn." A tear drops to the floor as I continue. "Lynn was, and is precious to me, and if I can save us, I want to. I do love you though, Jenna. I want you to know that."

I walk downstairs, my heart racing and my hands shaking. I knock on the door. Kristina answers.

"Hey, if you wanna talk to Lynn, she isn't home." She says dead serious as Andy comes up behind her and grabs her ass.

"YOU LITTLE PRICK!" She yells laughing and chasing him down the hallway.

I take the advantage and walk in to find Lynn, crying on the couch.

"Lynn?" I say, drawing her attention to me.

"What the fuck do you want? I told you I never wanted you here again." She says weakly, her voice cracking at the end.

I walk over to the couch and sit next to her.

"I didn't cheat on you, Lynn. I-"

"Stop," She interrupted. "you weren't just holding hands for no reason. I know you fucked."

I stared at her, actually shocked she would think I would do such a thing.

"I would never do something like that to you. We were just holding hands, and that's it."

She looked up at me, defeated.

"Why?" She said. "Just.. Why?"

I sighed. I guess it had to come out at some point.

"Lynn, I do have feelings for Jenna that I can't deny. But I would never, ever, ever, cheat. I love you Lynn, I do. But it's just hard for me sometimes, and I don't know why I do the things that I do I ju-" Lynn interrupts my anxious rambling, once again, but this time, it wasn't with words.

She kissed me. It felt like our first kiss again, the butterflies fucking with my stomach and flooding up to my throat.

Hesitantly, I kiss back, confused as to why she was doing this.

It might be our last though, so I may as well savor it, so I did.

After a while, she pulls back, her forehead on mine.

"Thanks for being honest," She whispered. "but I don't think this is a good idea anymore."

"Sure it is." I breath out and press my lips against hers again.

She pulls back again after a moment, and places a finger on my lips.

"Tay, that was the last one." She mumbles, and my heart sinks.

A lump grows in my throat, and water rushes down my face.

Why did Jenna have to say something at that hospital?

The more I think about not being able to wake up next to Lynn every morning, the more my few tears turn into a cry, which eventually turns into a sob.

I place my head in my hands as the oceans in my eyes continue to pour themselves onto the ground in small drops.

I feel a familiar hand on my back, and look up to see that Lynn is crying too. She's trying to hold it in, but that obviously isn't working. Why do I have to cause this much pain?

"Lynn, please, I can't do this. Please forgive me, I'll do literally anything. I just can't handle this right now." I say, tears still escaping my eyes.

She looks at me, I can see a debate in her eyes.

"We can try." She says unsure, yet as confident as she could get.

I hug her tighter than ever before.

"Lynn, I don't know what to say. Thank you, oh god, I love you." I say, still crying into her neck.

"Don't say anything, unless it's you making a promise that you'll keep your feelings for other girls in check."

"I promise, fuck, I promise."

I say those words so confidently, yet I'm not sure that I can stay away.

I will try my best though, I can't hurt Lynn again.


Yeah, so um...

That took a turn, even for me. I didn't plan that lol.

I guess my stupid clingy gay heart can't let go of that cute-ass relationship... That I made.... Between two fictional characters.... Um.. Yeah. There's a look into my logic.

But hey, thank you so much for 600+ reads, and I really appreciate every comment you guys leave too. c:

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