The Edge

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Tay POV:

I wake up to movement next to me in the bed. "Lynn," I say groggily "what the hell are you doing?"

"Tying my god damn shoes."

"Care to explain?"

"It's Jenna, Tay. She's in the hospital."

What a way to wake up.

"What, why? How? Is it serious?" By now I'm fully awake, worried for the safety of one of our best friend's health.

"Motorcycle accident. Now get some pants on and get in the car and we'll go see her."

I nod and quickly pull on some jeans and a Tonight Alive shirt, for good luck, I guess. As I run past Lynn, who is texting someone frantically on her phone, she surprises me and yells "SHIT!". She throws her keys against the wall and her face looks like she's going to explode. 

"We're running out of fucking time! Get in the car Tay." She mumbles under her breath; "There is no god."

If you want to get in the car you're going to need the keys you little shit.

I go to grab the keys and get in the car. When I get in, Lynn is looking out the window in the most worried way I've seen her in a very long time. 

Have I ever seen her this worried?

I drive to the hospital in silence, Lynn answering a few texts on the way. We pull up to the front of the hospital, Lynn bolting through the front doors before I can even take the keys out of the car. I chase her down as quickly as I can, and find her yelling at the woman sitting behind the front desk.

"Listen here, lady, you let me in to that room or so help me I'll-" I grab her shoulder and stop her from doing anything stupid. 

"Could we please see Jenna McDougall? We've had a rough day already, and it's not even 4 am. Please?" 

The woman nods and gestures us to come with her. 

We follow her down a hall and I catch a whiff of death in the air. We walk until she stops in front of the door I dreaded her stopping by, the one with all the doctors, all the nurses, and all the equipment filing in and out of. I peer into the room as far as I can without getting in the way of anything, which isn't far, considering everyone is everywhere at the moment. I turn to my right to see Lynn break down in tears.

Wait, is Lynn Gunn, my Lynn Gunn, actually crying right now?

I put my arm around her, reassuring her it'll all be okay. I had faith in Jenna, she's the toughest girl I ever met, and that's something I always have and always will admire about her. She'll pull through, she'd better pull through. I know that if I were in her position, I'd be long gone. But, no, not that Aussie, she won't go down without a fight. Hell, she won't go down without starting WWIII.

I lead Lynn into the room, slowly shuffling past all the people going in and out of the room. I look down at Lynn, who's already staring up at me. I stare deep into her eyes, noticing instantly how far the sadness and pain had already penetrated her seemingly-impenetrable heart.

I look to Jenna, whose eyes were barely open, the poor girl was still holding on. 

"Her eyes! They're open! Hurry, hurry get Dr. Scotts over here ASAP!" I hear people shouting all around me.

My phone starts ringing.

"And then I think of yesterday

and every promise that you made

I never thought I'd be the one that you would break"

I hear Jenna's strong voice in my ringtone. Why did this have to be my ringtone, oh why?

"But I will fight until the day the world stops turning"

I know you will Jenna, I know.

"And they will fall to ashes,

I will just  keep burning.

But tonight,

I need you to save me

I'm too close to breaking.

I see a light, 

I am standing on the edge of my life."

I've had enough, I'm so close to tears, so I answer the phone to end the song and to hear Kristina's voice on the other line. 

"Hey, where are you guys? I'm just alone at the apartment."

"If you want to smoke more pot, go behind the apartment this time, thanks."

I hang up and put my arm around Lynn again with my head hung low. Lynn touches my chin, slightly moving my head up to see Jenna weakly smiling at us. 

"Jenna." I barely squeak out, tears blind me as I drop to the ground on my knees. "Jenna," I repeat. "you, I knew you'd make it." I say, stuttering and the tears make their way down the rest of my face. 

"Not yet Tay, I won't go yet.". The doctors look at me with astonished faces, as if I had just performed some act of magic. 

"She's awake- your music, it brought her back." a doctor finally said.

"Well, how could I lose the only thing I loved, music? I wouldn't want to end up a lonely girl." Jenna said with a weak smirk.

Lynn and I laughed at the reference she had just made to her own song. Even so close to breaking, she was still the funniest girl I'd ever known. 

Suddenly, Jenna's eyes closed once again, and my heart sunk so deep it might as well have been buried in its own coffin six feet under. Lynn's face went pale and she gripped my arm so tight it could have drawn blood.

"We're losing her! Get everybody out of here now and get Scotts! Where the hell is he?" A doctor barked orders at everyone as the world stopped around us. Everything went in slow motion, everything went dark. It was almost as if the world stopped. Before I lost sight of everything, I remember falling, then I lost all senses I had left. 



Oh dang. 

Did you guys like the twist or no? 

I had to re-type all of it starting from the "SHIT!" part with Lynn, so it changed slightly, but it went in the same direction I expected basically.

Anyways, I'm working on making the chapters longer, but that probably means the updates will be every few days, not every other day. But also, I've been having trouble with the internet, (my dad shuts it off so I go to sleep on time) so I can't always get the updates uploaded right when I finish them. I wish he wasn't such a douche but, whatever.

Thanks for reading c:

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