X. Oblivion

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♡ ♡ ♡It's so fucked up, this bitter little choking mayday♡ ♡ ♡

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It's so fucked up, this bitter little choking mayday

Hanzō's body sank with a ball and chain seizing his ankle. Its weight taking him deeper down.

His chest is pressured from the water, struggling for air. He couldn't move his fingers. He couldn't wiggle his toes.

He woke up gasping for air and nausea twisting at him.

He gagged.

Disgusting saliva the only thing coming out.

Vertigo swirled his balance and image of the world.

He collapsed face first into the small puddle of spit.

His vision darkened, and he surrendered to it.

Hanzō smiled. It was small and stung his facial muscles, but he couldn't deny the giddiness inside him. He feels like a kid in a candy shop.

Everything is just so sweet right now.


All earlier bliss evaporated the moment Gojou came into his line of sight, cheekily grinning.

He scowled, the nosy pig just had to ruin the moment.

Yuuji and him had long wiped their tears and were just sitting in light conversation. Yuuji did most of the talking and Hanzō listened intently. That was, of course, until Gojou decided to interrupt.

"Whatcha talkin' about?"

"Tch. Don't you already know?" Hanzō refrained from trying to bash his head in, annoyance rolling off of him in waves. Gojou always peeved him when he approached, unintentionally bringing immense pressure with him.

It made him freeze in the universe his curse energy carried.

Yuuji and Gojou, who saw his immediate change, likened him to a cat puffing its fur, or a bird with ruffled feathers.

"Ai, even so, you're so harsh..." Gojou dramatically huffed from his open mouth.

Irked and seeing his opportunity Hanzō snatched a lollipop from his sweatpants pocket. Quickly he stuffed it in Gojou's still open mouth.

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