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Harry's POV

I was just laying in bed when my alarm was going off and I just laid there I knew I had school but I didn't want to go so I message Mitchell to tell him that I wasn't going.

Mitchell told all of the other boys that I wasn't going either which was a good thing but a bad thing as well because then Autumn would find out and probably won't go either but oh well..

8:30 am

i decided to get up and open my curtains and saw Autumn's curtains were open and she was sitting at her desk on her laptop and the light was hitting her face. She is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen wish i could apologise to her for everything i have done to her but it's hard because my friends will thing i'm just a idiot and dickhead for talking to her.

I was staring for quite a while and i thought she didn't notice but she had been staring back as well and i did the most stupidest thing i waved to her and smiled as well.

I was so embarrassed but she waved back and my cheeks went bright red and i just turned around and jumped on my bed and i had the biggest smile face on my face and i couldn't stop, it was like i couldn't stop thinking about her she had a massive effect on me, then i got the weirdest feeling in my stomach it was like butterflies in my stomach.

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