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Autumn POV

I was in such a terrible state I didn't want Harry to see me like this but he did which I was so embarrassed about it. I kept apologising to him and saying I'm sorry that you had to come with me. He kept saying it's okay you don't have to apologise to me for this happening, you didn't know this was going to happen in your life time.

Harry had never met my parents before because I never really spoke to them about him or ever told them that I get bullied at school. I never ever wanted to them worry about me because they had their own stuff going on in their life.

Harry looked at me before I walked in the room and he said go have some personal time with your Father. As I stepped into the room where my dad was lying in the bed, I couldn't look at him because I just blame myself that this happened to them.

I looked down at my dad and tears just kept rolling down my face i grabbed his hand an squeezed it tightly hoping he would respond and it was just all a dream. I tried to talk to him but he was hardly responding he was covered in wires and lots of drips the one i kept looking at was the one in his hand there was a clear line and a red one. It was coming out of the these vacuum sealed bags which i found interesting but the tears still streaming down my face i could hardly see what they had written on them.

All i kept hearing was the beeping of the monitors that filled in the room and with my Dads name on this little whiteboard up above his bed. I hear footsteps coming into the room and it was just the nurse just checking up on my dad and making sure all the drips are perfect mills and that they are going into his system well.

She just looked at me and i asked if he is going to be okay, she said that we are keeping an eye on him but its going to be a long road ahead if he ever gets out of this state.

Tears just filled my eyes again and i couldn't hold them back, i was just thinking what if my dad is going to be like this forever and What if this was all my fault that they got into car accident i have no idea where i would live or who i would live with, as all my other family have passed away or i don't know them.

I walked out of the room to get a drink and Harry was waiting near the water fountain he just looked at me and opened his arms and pulled me into this massive hug when i hugged him i felt safe. I kept apologising to him and telling him this was all my fault he said no this isn't. All of sudden i see all these nurses running past us and i thought what is going on then i saw they were all running to my dads Hospital room.

I just ran as fast as i could i heard Harry Follow behind me to his room and the nurse said you can't be in here you need to step out. i just yelled and said THATS MY DAD IN THERE I NEED TO BE BY HIS SIDE PLEASE LET ME SEE HIM. The Nurse said I'm sorry darling please step out, i got the door shut on my face and i just fell onto the ground sobbing my heart out and Harry just kept hugging me tightly.

After what felt hours upon end the nurses came out and said Mrs Reeser i just stood up and said how is my dad. All i remember is her saying I'm sorry to break this to you but we couldn't save your dad we tried everything. I'm so so sorry we have councillors here on site that we can provide to you for free that can help you with your losses of your both parents.

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