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Harry's POV

I wish she understood that I'm sorry for what I have done and I am sorry that I took her drink bottle. I was going to give it back to her.

All I want is her to be mine and we can do cute couple things around town and I can treat her like my princess and I wouldn't be scared to show her off in front of my friends and I wouldn't care if I lost heaps of friends or no one liked me because I would have the only person I need in my life..

I was in bed watching breaking bad on my laptop when my phone went off and saw that Autumn added me on snapchat I was so shocked when I saw that and I said to myself do I add her back or just leave it...

I added her back and then she started a chat with me on snapchat and said

A- Heey we need to talk x

H- Heey yeah sure x

A- I'm sorry I went off at you over message I was just upset that you took my drink bottle and I know it's stupid to cry over and drink bottle but my brother gave that to me before he died.

H- hey that's fine and look I'm sorry that I took your drink bottle and didn't give it back to you straight way and I'm really sorry about your brother dying.

A- It's not your fault he died and that's okay just promise me you don't do that again or even to another girl.

H- hey look I won't do it to another girl and let me take you out for lunch or even a coffee to make up for what I have done and caused you so much trouble xx

A- hey I would love that idea and lunch sounds good when are you free next? xx

H- I'm free whenever just tell me a day and I will pick you up xx

A- Okay cool what about tomorrow then because I'm free xx

H- Great idea I will pick you up 12pm is there any type of food you like or even a favourite restaurant? Xo

A- Awesome that sounds great I eat anything really and you can pick the place to where we eat I trust you xox

H- Cool and really you trust me?

A- Yeah but if you do something to me or hurt me I won't trust you ever again x

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