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Harry's POV 

Autumn was just eating her pizza she looked very cute of what she was wearing then her phone started to go off with the song Chris Brown Playing and she did a little dance. She picked it up and it was no Caller ID Autumn looked at me and said do you think i should answer this i just shrugged my shoulders. 

I didn't really think much of it because i thought it was one of the guys prank calling her as they probably  have seen my car around the place. 

She picked up the call and just froze and didn't know what to say then i heard a older mans voice on the other end of the phone call. I got really concerned of what he was saying to her and all i heard was her saying thank you for telling me i will get down right away.

I didn't know what was going on and she looked at me said can you take me to the Wayville Hospital my Parents have been in a serious car accident. Autumn was about to cry and i gave her a massive hug and i said yes lets go. 

I put my foot down on the accelerate to go as fast as i can i went through two red lights but it was worth it. I turned my head to have a quick glance at her and she was just sitting there looking straight at the road and didn't say anything. 

As we pulled up to the hospital Autumn opened her door and jumped out and started running, i quickly drove around the hospital as fast as i could to find a park. You think there would be a empty car park but it just wasn't my night. As soon i found a car park i bolted to find Autumn i was yelling her name because i didn't know where she was. All i saw was her at the front desk she was asking the lady where her Mother and Father were. As she looked at me she said can you please come with me i said of course i want to be there to comfort you and  be there for you.

As we walked down the hall Autumn started to break down i knew the pain she was going through and it gave me chills because i have been in this hospital before. This is where my mum was after her drunk boyfriend threw a rock to the back of her head all over a stupid argument they always had.  

We turned the corner and all i see is Autumn's dad laying there i turned to her and she just broke down in tears she said to me can we wait outside my dads room with me. I grabbed her and gave her the biggest hug and said if anything happens i'm always here for you no matter what. There was a guy walking towards us in a green top and green pants i didn't really care for him i thought it was another stranger but it was the Doctor  

He said are you Autumn she said yes, she asked if her parents are going to be okay, all he said was both of your parents are in critical condition and we can't get any response from your Mum. Tears just poured out and even with more bad news he said she is brain dead you have a choice you either cut off her life support or you leave her here for 2 months and she will be a vegetable. 

I gave her some time to go see her mum and make her final decision of what she was going to do. She walked back out to see me and broke down with more tears and she said i did it, i switched it off because i want her to be in a better place. I told her your mum will be in better place now with the nice people in Heaven and GOD. 

There were many tears to come when i saw the state of her and then another doctor came up to us and said to Autumn you can go in and see your dad and you can speak to him he might hear you. She walked into the room and i just waited outside because i wanted to give her personal time with her dad.

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