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Harry's POV

I was so worried about Autumn for what she was going through as i can't relate on how she was feeling. 

She was just sobbing her heart out and all i could was hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay, Autumn just looked up at me and said what am i going to do without my parents.

They have always been there for me just have no clue what i am going to do with their clothes, clothes, everything on top of that. 

Theres no book or information out there to help someone or a family if they have lost loved one. I was just listening to her as i loved listening  to her voice. 

It was cold, gloomy, freezing night she was rugged up in her big fluffy jumper and her champion track pants.  We drove to her house and the house looked empty there was no lights on inside or even her Dad's little lights in the front garden. 

We jumped out the car and started walking up the drive way Everything was left in the same place as they left it. 

Tears started falling down her face as she tried to unlock her front door so i helped her and all she kept doing was apologising to me of how ugly she was. She opened the door and it was pitch black in the house we couldn't see anything. 

We turned all the lights on and it  just didn't feel right she turned around and looked at me and said mum and dad are going to walk through that door any second now. 

I looked at her and didn't say anything then she just kept staring at the door and with tears streaming down her face. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her and said we will get through this, i will be with you 24/7 to help you through this and I'm never going to leave you I'm going to be by your side every step of the way. 

We stood there in her kitchen for about an hour well thats what it felt like and she lifted her head up and kissed me on the lips and said thank you so much i really appreciate you to the moon and back. 

I know we aren't dating or i don't know what we are but your absolutely amazing and i can't thank you enough i want you to stay in my life. You're my rock and i love you so much, i was shocked that she just said that she loves me and i don't know what i would without her in my life. 

I think i'm in love with her OMG freaking out right now i looked at her and said i loved her back, She had the biggest smile on her face and then kept hugging me.  

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