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Autumn's POV

As i hopped into Harry's car i took my backpack off my shoulders and sat my bag on my lap and then i felt a little smile come up on my face it was so weird i can't believe i haven't known this boy for long and he can already put a smile on my face.

Harry was the first one to speak and he said do you want to go and get some coffee from Starbucks and then head to school or we could hang out today and not go to school.? I was about to speak but no words came out i'm thinking to myself i'm such an idiot just speak already honestly. Harry was looking at me and he had a massive smile on his face i thought it was really cute because we were just sitting in the car listening to Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day. I was just sitting there bobbing my head back and forth and Harry said to me do like Green Day and i was like Yes they are amazing and their other song American Idiot, when i was younger i was so in love with them well love isn't the correct word OBSESSED is a better word. i said please don't judge me i was a weird kid when i was younger. Then he giggled i was the exactly the same as you when i was younger but i OBSESSED with Nirvana.

Harry said to me look Autumn i'm sorry if i scared you when i pulled up on the side of the curb like a complete idiot. I promise to you that i'm not like all of those other boys, that all they want to do is just to get into your pants and not even get to know you. Look Harry Its okay i understand and yeah of course i'm up for that idea to go to Starbucks and then hang out for the day because i have 2 lessons of English then after that i have free periods for the rest of the day.

Awesome said Harry well what are we waiting for lets go, Autumn texted her Mum and said she was going to the mall after her 2 lessons of English. On the way to Starbucks we were discussing what our favourite drinks were and Harry said his favourite was Classic Chai Creme Frappuccino with Blended Creme. i was like your just a typical bad ass guy that is in love with that drink, my dad drinks that drink everyday i swear he lives off it. I was like my favourite is Cotton Candy Creme Frappuccino with blended Creme and then he laughed and said your just a typical girl that loves her cotton candy.

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