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Autumn's POV

I was siting in Burger King and my food came out then i pulled out my phone and i had no messgaes no nothing i was upset and i saw Harry walk in and order food and i thought it might have been him but why would he steal my drink bottle....

It was past 8:40pm and i was tired and wanted to go home but i stayed back and waited for a few more minutes. I was looking down at my phone on Tumblr and just rebloging some stuff from the Arctic Monkeys and The Band Of Skulls page and fan pages . 

Then out of no where Harry comes up to me and says Hey and then i looked up and i was shocked becuase Harry never talks to me all he does is bully me and talk Shit about me behind my back....  

I looked up and Said Hey back and started to have a conversation with me which is kinda of weird but i went wih it. 

Harry - I have something to give to you do you want it now or tomorrow?

Me-  Can i have it now please

Harry- Yeah sure i just have to go to my car and get it 

Me-  Okay then 

Harry walked out of Burger King to go back to his car and get me something... Did he get me something or what i'm so shocked right now and confused as well.... 

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