13. Shock And Disgust

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Zoe's POV

"I love you!"

The words from Caspers mouth rang in my ears, constantly reminding me of the previous hour. After his outbreak Casper had summoned his guards to take me back to the vile cage. It was a like a sewer, but I was just glad to be away from Casper. 

As i lay on the old bed I thought about Alfie and Joe.

I missed my strong, courageous and hilarious brother. We had been through a lot together I felt like a massive piece of my heart was missing without my little brother. I knew, of anything did happen, he would cope like the little soilder he is but the pain didn't ease. He needed protecting, he needed his older sister for support, for advice and to keep him on track. What would end up happening to him if anything happened to me?

Then my mind wondered to Alfie. He was perfect. Too perfect. I couldn't ever have a boyfriend like Alfie. He was handsome, charming and he understood me. And I was just plain Zoe Sugg. The self-harming freak that everyone hated. The suicidal girl who was lie a bomb waiting to explode and hurt everyone she cares about.
Your useless!
No one with ever like you!
Are you an anorexic kid?
Your body is a shame to the Earth.
Why would anyone like you?
Why would anyone want to even look at you?
Your a freak!
Go back to the suicidal clinic!

These were'nt me over thinking, no these were actual memories of my life. Each one inked Into my brain like a little worm. I couldn't forget them, no matter how hard I tried, they were permently scarred into my mind.

I weakly got up and limped to the metal bed. It had a thin, white sheet and a small pillow. I sat down, looking at the brick wall in front of me. Could my life get any worse?

Joe's POV

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" I yelled to my parents as silent tears cascaded down my shaking face.


"Mum please! I can't live like this, my channel is suffering,I'm suffering!"

"What? You think you are the only one? Joseph, I love Zoe more than words too!"

"Really? I didn't look  like it to me!"

"We stopped arguing Joseph!"

"What about the times before huh? Who was there looking after Zo, when she self-harmed? Or when she cried for hours over Casper?"

"Don't you dare bring him into this!"

"Why? We can't erase the past mum!"

"You know why Joseph!"

"What? Because he raped her? Because he forced her into losing her virginity at 15?"

"STOP!" Mum suddenly yelled.

I looked at her. She was crying her eyes out.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"I will get it." I said quietly.

I walked to the door and swung it open.


"I know."

"Alfie what? You know what?"

"I know where Zoe is!"

I know, I know! I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry guys! I have been suuuuuuuper busy but I finally found the time to write I quick chappie.
QOTD= Do you guys like Casper on the story?
INSTAGRAM~ _infinity_suggscriber_

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