18. Recovery

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Zoe's POV

My head shot up to see Caspar standing there, a smug smirk on his lips as he tightly held my shaking wrist. A chuckle left his mouth as he pinched my delicate skin.
"Am I really that bad Zoe?" He asked me.
I hate the way my name rolled off the tip of his tounge like ink silently floating out a pen as it writes a flowing story. I hated the way it was him saying my name like that not Alf- wait.... Did I just say Alfie?
"Y-yes you are!" I shakily said but I mentally b*tch slapped myself as I had to keep it together to look confident and brave although it was fairly obvious I wasn't at all confident or brave.
"I would like you to keep your hands off my sister." Joe said taking a step foward.
"Yeah keep your scummy @ss crusty h** (insert rude words) hands off her!" Troye said.
"Why should I," Caspar asked, slowly walking toward with me in a tight grip as he looked strongly on. "What do you offer that I have not already providing quite adequately?"
"A phone.." Alfie began.
"Haha, a phone? You truly believe a phone can save you from my power?"
"One number. A single ring that has saved our lives."
"What are you talking about?" Caspar asked confused.
Suddenly the door burst open. A group of police officers ran in, weapons in their hands as they assessed the situation in front of them. A woman stepped forward and grabbed Caspar before setting his wrist in tight, metal cuffs.
"Caspar Lee I am arresting you on suspicion of kidnapping and sexually abusing Zoe Elizabeth Sugg. Anything you do or say will be recorded and may be given in evidence."
I whimpered and fell back into Joe's arms, my head spun as the room got blacker and blacker but that finals smirk and wink Caspar sent in my direction is something I will probably never get out of my brain.
( 2 hours later )
Someone lightly tickled my neck which was my weak spot. I squirmed a bit before fully waking up to see Alfie looking down on my with a giant toothy grin.
"You're okay!" He signed with relief giving me a small hug.
"W-water p-please " I croaked, my throat felt like sandpaper sheets.
Alfie nodded grabbing me a glass and pouring the icey liquid into it. I took the opportunity to look around seeing I was in a small purpley room, with lavender curtains and a small pine chest of drawers and what looked like a tray of medication.
"They prescribed you anxiety pills for when you are free from here." Alfie said walking over to me, handing me the glass.
I shakily brought it to my dry and cracked lips nearly moaning as the freezing beverage ran down my throat quenching my thirst that felt like it had been there for days.
"How long was I out?" I asked.
"About three weeks, but some of it was them do surgery to your um, lower parts because you had some bad, how to I put it, ripping?" Alfie said.
My small hand found his and my tear sodden eyes finally gave in and tears ran freely down my cold cheeks as I silently cried.
"Hey hey, your alright now Zoe, I swear on my life I will protect you from anything. Underline anything with a capitol A."
I let out a tiny giggle at his joke. I moved over in the bed.
"Please don't leave me Alfie, just lie with me until I fall asleep." I said lightly tugging his hand.
"I don't know, Joe should be ba-"
"Please." I said cutting him off mid sentence.
He smiled, climbing in next to me, wrapping his comforting arm around my shivering shoulders. I smuggled into his chest suddenly feeling safe for once, just being in his arms.
"You know I never left your side."
Hello my people!
Yes I'm back and I'm better that ever x
Thanks for all your continues support it means the world and the galaxies to me x
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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