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Aloha my people!
This is just a small explanation to why I have not updated in ages.
Basically I am dealing with something really horrible in my life right now called Anxiety. I always knew I was panicky but recently it has been getting worser and worser to the point when I just don't want to get up. Its sad I know. But its probably due to this magical thing called: life (and boy friends)
This leads me to my next why life's so shitty point. I recently got together with my new boyfriend Wiki (I'm not going to say how name). Everything was perfect for the first month and then we sort of drifted apart. It was partly because his so called friends have been extremely nasty to me, called me names and even pushed me around like a rag doll. Now I may be quite short, and I may have a tiny head, feet and hands but it was really unfair.
I don't want my depressive thoughts to ruin the story so from now on this story is on hold . if you don't know what that means, it means I won't be updating till all this shit is sorted out and my anxiety is back to normal.
The word anxiety scares me as I think is naturaly does so if you have any this please please please let me know in the comments section.

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