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(Hope this is the right vid↕)
3rd POV

Happiness radiated around the room. A true vibe bouncing off the peachy pink walls. The trio sat sipping hot chocolates chatting and laughing almost like they had know each other forever. The look on Alfie's face was pure admiration and respect to the siblings opposite and next to him. The young girl,Zoe, had a look of joy almost like she had'nt smiled in ages. The look on Joe's face was happiness as he knew his sister had found someone who respected her and would keep her safe for him.
Zoe's POV

I erupted with laughter for the millionth time as Joe and Alfie bickered over which Sugg was better. I felt so happy so pleased that things were finally working out for me and suddenly life seemed less sh*t.

I wanted to stay like this forever, to almost freeze time and live so joyfully forever. But I knew the world wasn't like that and I was going to have to hang on to Alfie. I felt gifted that I had found someone to made me so happy, some one to understood what I was thinking and feeling, I felt like I was finally going to die with a happy memories to take to heaven. As sad as that may sound it is true I wanted to find more memories like this, to search and hunt, to get out there and make more friends who can make me as happy as Alfie does.

You may think 'is that possible? True happiness?' I, Zoe Elizabeth Sugg, say it is, I've just found it. It may not be a fine feast in a golden palace but I am with my two princes. I wouldn't matter if we were homeless or the wealthiest of all I would still love them the same.

"Joe tell Alfie about that time yo-" I began.

I was cut of by a loud bang of a gunshot.

"Alfie? Joe?" I began to feel my anxiety.

The talking came closer and closer until I heard the door bang open, slamming it into the wall.

"You can't hide!" A gruff mans voice yelled.

"Zoe get into the cupboard!" Alfie hissed.


The footsteps were getting louder.

"Zoe!" Alfie hissed pushing me into the cupboard quietly closing the door.

I felt like suffocating in the tight air, the remaining saliva was taken from my dry mouth.

The door swang open.

"Give us the girl and no one gets hurt!" They shouted.

"No!" I heard Joe say, before I heard a sickening crack and Joe yelping.

"Give us the girl or that will be both of your pretty little necks!" The man said.

I couldn't take it any longer. I burst out the cupboard. The man looked up then creepily smiled.

"Good girl." He said walking over to me.

He was about to grab my hands but I pulled them away.

"You and your sick company must promise not to go anywhere near mine of Alfie's family yes?" I asked giving him a meaningful look.

"Of course sweetheart." The man said before dragging me out.

"I will find youuu!" I heard Joe yell but his voice was muffled as I was thrown into the back of a shiny white van.

"Enjoy the ride love."

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