5. Proudness

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Zoe's POV

I woke up at 7:21 feeling like a different person. I felt refreshed, like I had almost started life again.

I sat up, stretched then padded to the bathroom. I stripped down then jumped into the showed, turning it up so I could warm my shivering body. Once I was satisfied with the temperature I grabbed my bed head tiGi colour goddess shampoo. I  loved the scent of its fudge and caramel flavouring. I scrubbed that into my hair then did the same with the conditioner. While that sunk in I washed my body with a honeycomb scented body wash. Then I washed my conditioner off. Finally I turned the shower of, wrapping my bright orange towel around my body.

I walked back to my room, wondering what I would wear. I opened my cupboard and searched for something sutible. Finally I decided on a black crop top and a small white skirt with a flowy white skirt attached over the top with a tan-brown belt. For my makeup I wanted something that would make people go wow so I put on a concealer and foundation. Then I put a grey over my eyelids, with a darker grey in the creases. I put a thick coat I liquid liner over the top creating a cat-eye effect. Then I put my two-faced better then sex mascara as it was my all time favourite. Finally I put a deep velvety red on my lips, trying my best not to smudge it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and for once I actually smiled at my reflection.

I went downstairs to see Joe and mother chatting to each other smiling.

"Good mornin Joseph!" I said messing up his chesnut hair.

"Zo you look gorgeous!" Mother said giving me a smile.

"Thank you!" I replied.

"Zo?" Joe said standing up to walk next to me.

"Yup?" I said.

"Do you fancy doing a video for my channel with me?" Joe said doing his best puppy eyes.

"What video?" I asked.

"Most likely to sibling edition," Joe said excitedly "I've been planning it for ages!"

"Hmm, you know what yeah! Let's do it!" I said shaking his hand.

"Great we'll start in 10 minutes." Joe said before walking out the kitchen to get his filming stuff.

"I really proud of you, you do know that Zoe?" My mother said.

"Thanks mum us making up really helped me." I said.

"Well after all you are my daughter!" She said laughing.

"I really grateful your my mum!" I said laughing to.

"Right now you go and film!" My mum said.

-During Filming-

"Hi guys! And look how I'm with today!" Joe said pointing at me.

I waved nervously a bit intimidated my the black camera.

"This is Zoe my older sister and today we're going to be doing Most Likely To sibling edition!" Joe said cheering.

I started cheering to, not really knowing what to do.

After the awkward intro we had lots of questions and honestly I didn't realise how energy-taking filming is!

"Right that's it for this weeks video! Usually I would film a video on Zoe's channell but she doesn't actually have one!" Joe said.

"You can follow me on Twitter though!" I added in smiling.

"Links will be in the description! But I will see you next week for another Sugg Sunday Special!" Joe said before turning the camera off.

"Thank you for that Zo!" Joe said lightly hugging me.

"Its really no problem!"

"Right I'm going of to edit!"

"Oh Joe?"


"I'm really proud of you!"

Did you like that? I hope you did!
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