5 And A Half. Get To Know Me

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Hiya Cupcakes!

Basically I have been seriously busy today and it is currently 10:20 and I have just gone to bed. So for today's update I thought it would would be good for you guys to know a bit more about me so here is 25 facts about me. Hope you enjoy!

1. My full name is Hope Elizabeth Young. Yes I have the same middle name as Zoe!

2. YouTube has honestly changed my life so much. It made me feel less insucure about myself. I helped me realise I wasn't alone, and people did feel what I was feeling. Seriously I honestly don't where I would be without YouTube.

3. I love gaming videos! I am a massive Pewds fan, I love Smosh, anyone up for a bit of Thatcherjoegames?

4. I am 16 years young.

5. I am from Hertfordshire (England.)

6. The first youtuber I got into was Zoella.

7. I ship Troyler to the moon and back, they're just so ardorable♥

8. I am a Directioner, Mixer, 5Sauce Fam and I love Troye Sivans music.

9. My favourte song is Human by Cristina Perri.

10. My favourite album is Four by One Direction.

11. I have a fear of heights and losing things.

12. I have a sister called Olivia and she is 15.

13. I ♥ Joe Sugg.

14. My favourite quote is 'If you are healthy and happy screw what anyone else thinks'.

15. I am a single Pringle.

16. My favourite book is Girl Online by Zoe Sugg because its fricken amazing. I mean who cares if she had a bit of help from a ghost righter. She is a youtuber not J.K Rowling for gods sake! Just rembember the ideas and characters were all Zoe's.

17. My favourite film is The Fault In Our Stars because it is so beautiful.

18. I have a black lab called Pudding.

19. My favourite food is pizzia I could honestly eat it all day!

20. I have broken my leg and wrist.

21. I don't believe in any god.

22. My favourite 1D member is Niall.

23. I don't like The UnWanted. (No hate intetended)

24. My favourite colour is purple.

25. I love you reading this now.♥ (nothing creepy intended).

See you guys tomorrow!
INSTAGRAM~ infinity_suggscriber_

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