15. Freinds can heal the pain

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Zoe's POV
Ever since Troye came to me that night, things have changed. I have someone to support and look after me. Its hard as Troye can't be caught, but I honestly feel much better having a friendly face around when the day is getting dull.
One night we were sitting in my cell talking about our old lives. Troye had told me glorious stories about the times me played pranks on his sister Sage. Or the time he scared the life out of his little brother Tyde. On that particular night he was explaining about the night he meet a peculiar boy called Tyler. Troye had told me he was gay, so I was quite excited to hear. It turned out Tyler was a boy he met when he went traveling. Troye got lost in L.A and Tyler had helped him. He wanted to break out Casper's house and thank Tyler but he never could find a way. I felt after Troye had confessed that we were stronger as friends.
*Present Time*
"Good morning Zoella." I heard Troye's voice softly say. We had nicknames for each other. He called me Zoella and I called him Tro. The name just kinda stuck.
I shook him off muttering that I need more sleep.
"Mr. Lee wishes to see you."
"Tell him to go f*ck himself." I replied, mentally patting myself on the back.
"Zoella, pwease, its better this way." He said pulled his best puppy eyes, he knew I couldn't resist them.
"Fiiiiine." I groaned hitting him lightly.
I got up, stretching my sore body. It was hard sleeping on the ground, but I wasn't sleeping where Casper had. Had. I felt tears swim in my eyes thinking about the event. It had all happened too fast.
"Tanya is ill today, so you will have to do your own make up okay?" Troye said smiling.
I nodded, before shuffling over to where he stood. We walked through the building. I had never really noticed how beautiful it really was. We arrived at a room.
"Mr.Lee expects you in half an hour Zoella." And with that he walked off.
I went into the room to see a massive wardrobe covered in clothes, and a pretty, white table covered in makeup. I opened the cupboard and look through the clothes. I decided on a white shirt with stunning lace and pearl emdroided on, and simple black dungarees spun over the top. I then slipped on some standered black pumps and a rose-gold necklace.
For my makeup I decided to go quite natural. I applied foundation, conceler, a white eye-shadow, liquid liner and mascara then simple light rose lips. I looked in the mirror pleased at the person who look back.I quickly put my hair in a milkmaid braid then walked out the room. I walked to the main hall ready to face whatever was in there.
As soon as I stepped into the hall, a tight grip hit my arm. I gave a small shriek but a hand immediately covered my mouth.
"Zo relax its me!" A familier voice whispered.
I slowly turned around to see a sight I had been longing to see for ages. Alfie and Joe.
Small update for you guys. Sorry! I will be hitting the exciting bupit soon, and I promise everything will add up

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