☀️Oneshot Two- Jeremy x Levi☀️

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Trigger Warning: Physical Abuse, some weight talk

It was around two in the morning and Levi was in the living room in his house, quietly reading a book. His mother and brother were upstairs sleeping, and his dad was out drinking... was. Just then, he heard a car pull into the driveway. He'd forgotten how late it was. He knew his father would yell at him, probably worse for leaving the lights on so late. He quickly got up and ran back to his room, which was in the small den on the bottom floor. He hoped his dad would wonder if he forgot to turn off the lights before he left. Levi pulled the covers over his head once he got to his room, pretending to sleep. His heart was rapidly beating. He didn't want his dad yelling to wake up his other sleeping family.

He heard the front door open and some crashing, presumably his father stumbling around. He heard grumbling and then a loud 'Goddamnit!'. There was more crashing and suddenly the grumbling was progressing towards Levi's room. Levi tried his best to keep his breathing normal, he didn't want to send himself into an asthma attack or anything to let his dad know he was awake, although he probably already knew anyway considering how he was coming to Levi's room. Levi hoped that perhaps he misheard and the footsteps were getting further away.

Then the door slammed open, his father practically dragging Levi out of bed, who yelped. He had one hand firmly gripping Levi's shirt collar, holding a book in the other. The book Levi was reading earlier. The book that proved that Levi had been in the living room not too long ago.

"Did you leave all the fucking lights on?!" His father slurred his words, although the anger was still very present in his voice. Levi flinched, not answering at first from pure terror.
His father hit him, and hit him hard on his face with the book. Levi almost immediately burst into tears but he knew that would only make his condition worse, his father hated crying.

"Y-yes.." He managed to mumble through the extreme pain his face was going through.

His father angrily grumbled something, Levi couldn't tell what, before starting to drag him out of the room.

"Wait, wait, where are you tak-" Levi started to question, trying to get out of his father's grip.

"Shut up, boy." His father hit him again, Levi yelped and started trying to escape his grip again after realizing they were headed to the door.

"Dad, dad no, it's cold, please don't leave me out there!" He pleaded, but it was no use. His father practically threw him as if he were a bag of garbage down the few concrete stairs that led up to their house. Levi screamed, he felt so sore as he laid on the ground, trying to sit up.

"And don't come back in until your brother heads out for work. Don't call no cops or nothing, or else I'll do worse to you." His dad threatened, before slamming the door.

Levi finally got the strength to sit up after a few minutes, realizing he had bruises all over his body. Fuck... I can't let Jeremy see me like this... He thought as he looked as his arms. He couldn't imagine what his back, face and chest looked like. He looked around. He was alone. In the cold. In his pajamas.

Levi's front yard didn't have much, nothing too comfortable to sleep in. So he decided he wouldn't sleep. He sat on the house steps, playing with blades of grass. He couldn't tell what time it was. He knew his brother would be leaving for work at seven. He sighed. At least it wasn't that cold. It felt about 50 degrees. He wouldn't get frostbite in this weather. He might get a cold, but that wasn't as deadly as frostbite.

He let his mind wonder as he waited for the moment when the door would open, and Ledell would be headed out for work. He glanced down to his arms and legs again. They were so thin... He hadn't realized.

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