☀️Oneshot Five- Levi x Jeremy☀️

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Trigger Warning: Suicide

Levi looked over the edge of the roof. It was a long way down... and yet, he wasn't afraid. He had nothing left. His mom and brother had been missing for over two years. His dad was still the same, if not worse. Jeremy, the love of his life, had also left with no explanation of where. He was alone. He was failing school and he couldn't seem to make any new friends. Life just didn't seem worth it anymore. He climbed up on to the roof's edge as he looked down on the city below him.

"L-Levi... What are you doing...?"

Levi turned to the voice he heard behind him, seeing Jeremy. He put on a soft smile. He thought it was another one of his hallucinations, yet it was still nice seeing Jeremy one last time before he ended it all.

He didn't answer as he looked back over the edge. Jeremy gently tugged at Levi's sleeve.

"Hey.. come down from there, you'll fall..."

"That's the point..." Levi mumbled. Yes, he'd gotten a lot quieter since the world had crumbled on him. The 'hallucination' felt like it was really tugging on him. That couldn't have been Jeremy...

"W-what do you mean? Come on, get down. We can go inside and talk."

"I'm not changing my mind. I don't have anything left." Levi rubbed his eyes free of tears as he continued looking over the edge.

"You have me..." Jeremy gently tugged on Levi's sleeve again, trying to convince him to get down.

"You're not real! I'm... I'm tired of my head playing tricks on me..." Levi said with a small, sad laugh, looking up at the sky. "My mom and brother are probably dead, I have no idea where you are... I don't even know who I am anymore... my dad's worse than ever and we're on the verge of losing our home because he hasn't been paying bills... everything's going downhill, and I'm at the bottom. I have nothing left. I'm nothing..." Levi said as his sad smile faded, and more tears streamed down his face.

"This isn't your head this time... It's me, really.." Jeremy pouted up at his boyfriend.

Levi glanced over at Jeremy. He looked different. Of course, it made sense that he'd look different after a year of no contact. Maybe he was real.

And yet, Levi still felt the urge to jump.

"I-I'm sorry Jere... I love you.." Levi gave him a broken smile, taking a breath and closing his eyes as he let himself fall back.

"No!" Jeremy screamed as he kept his grip strong on Levi's arm, trying to pull him back. He grabbed Levi's other arm and yanked him back, successfully pulling him off the edge. Levi fell forward into Jeremy's arms.

Levi was unconscious. Jeremy noticed they were both trembling. He picked Levi up bridal style. He felt a lot lighter than he remembered. He sighed and kissed his forehead, carrying Levi down the steps of the building. He knew Levi's home was not a good idea, so he carried him to his own house. It wasn't far.

Jeremy quietly opened the door and took Levi upstairs, setting him on the bed. He stayed right next to him, holding his hand tight. He noticed Levi's wrist and presumably down the rest of his arm had several scars. He sighed as he laid his head against Levi's hand. "I'm so sorry..."

After half an hour, Levi stirred, rubbing his eyes. Everything was coming back to him.

"I almost jumped..." He murmured, covering his mouth with fear and shock. He looked to Jeremy with tears in his eyes. "I-I'm-"

Jeremy quickly pulled him into a hug. Levi cried softly into his shoulder, finally convinced Jeremy was actually there with him. He almost jumped off a building right in front of his boyfriend. Jeremy gently shushed Levi as he rubbed his back.

"When's the last time you ate?..." He asked Levi quietly.

Levi sighed. He hadn't even been to school in weeks and his dad didn't feed him. He didn't answer, looking away from Jeremy.

"Hey," He gently took Levi's chin and tilted it back towards him. "When was the last time you ate, Levi?"

"...Two weeks ago..." He muttered, still not looking straight at Jeremy.

Jeremy sighed, hugging him again. "We're going to go to the hospital, okay?"

Levi quickly shook his head, squirming to get out of Jeremy's arms and backing away from him. "I-I don't want to go there... I hate it there... I'm going to be alone..."

Jeremy gently approached him. "No, no, I'm staying with you."

"What if you leave again?..."

"Levi, I'm not going to go anywhere."



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