☀️ Oneshot Ten- Nikolay x Flynn ☀️

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Nikolay set the bowtruckle he was studying back on its tree. He was currently in the Scandinavian Mountains with his friend and fellow magizoologist Alois. They were out looking for a graphorn, to gain more information on the species. During the two weeks they'd been there, all they had was tracks that had mostly disappeared due to the snow. They decided to try and look again the next day, setting up camp for the night.

Nikolay heard his phone ringing inside his tent and quickly went to go pick it up. He hoped it was Flynn, the two were both extremely busy, with Flynn being in law school. He smiled as he answered the video call. The quality was shitty as Nikolay was in the mountains, but it was better than nothing. He sat down on his sleeping bag and propped the phone up on his small suitcase.

"Hey babe." Flynn smiled from the other end. He was sitting on their apartment's couch, the light gray wall behind him gaining an orange tint to it as the sun was setting.

"Hi." Nikolay greeted softly, although he didn't show it he was overjoyed to see him.

"Charming, saluda a tu papá," Flynn said as he tilted the camera over a little, the curly furred black dog was clearly napping a few seconds before but perked up at his name. He barked as he saw Nikolay's picture on the phone, sniffing near the camera. Flynn giggled, backing the phone away and booping the pup.

Nikolay laughed as well. He missed them. He couldn't wait until this trip was over to go back home to his crappy apartment with his dorky boyfriend and goofy dog.

Flynn could obviously see the homesickness and sadness in Nikolay's expression as he turned the phone back to himself. "You okay?"

Nikolay sighed, looking down. "Yeah... I just... really miss you..."

Flynn smiled softly, he wished he could hug his boyfriend through the screen. "Hey, I'm sure you'll be home soon. And I'll be out of school for the summer soon too. We can cuddle all day and watch Animal Planet." Flynn giggled.

"You're such a nerd..." Nikolay chuckled as he looked back up. He hadn't noticed the bowtruckle from earlier sneak into his tent and climb up on his shoulder.

Flynn tilted his head with a smile. "Uh- Nikolay did you pick up another pet while in the mountains?"

Nikolay tilted his head back. "No, what are you-" He felt the creature's leaves brush against his neck and let out a small scream, falling over.

Flynn laughed, watching as the screen tilted over with him. Nikolay sat back up, gently removing the bowtruckle from his shoulder as he held it in his hands. He sighed as he looked down at it, a smile tugging on his lips.
"No, I'm just studying it. There's a lot of interesting creatures around here. Like um... oh! We found these little guys." Nikolay said excitedly. He set the bowtruckle back on his shoulder and picked up the phone. He ran outside and flipped the camera to show some seemingly mushrooms.

Flynn tilted his head. "But those are just-" The 'mushrooms' started to move at the noise and Flynn scrunched up his nose, they looked weird and gross.

"They're called horklumps! They actually have this really toxic fog they release sometimes." Nikolay explained.

"Oh my god, get away from them then!-" Flynn panicked.

Nikolay giggled but did, going back inside his tent. "And we saw a Swedish short-snout dragon, but we weren't allowed to go near it, since we aren't dragonologists."

Flynn smiled as Nikolay ranted about his findings, but tilted his head. He wasn't aware Nikolay was traveling with anyone. "We?" He repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Nikolay nodded. "Yeah, you didn't think they'd send me out alone, did you?" He giggled a little more. "It's just a coworker, their name's Alois. They're pretty cool."

"Yeah, they sound like it.." Flynn was trying to hide the fact that he was totally not jealous.

Nikolay caught on and chuckled. "Flynn..."

"Whaat?" He scrunched up his nose, which Nikolay found adorable.

"You don't have a reason to be jealous, you know. My heart only belongs to you~" He said dramatically, sticking his tongue out.

Flynn practically melted as he laid down on the couch. "I love you too." He smiled as he stuck his tongue out back at Nikolay.

"ooOO~ who's that, ya boyfriend?~" Nikolay heard from the other end of the phone.

"Sam no-" Flynn turned to look from where the sound had come from.

"You're taking forever, I already finished the homework without you. C'mon, I wanna see him toooo~" Samantha grabbed after the phone.

"SAM-" Flynn screeched and the call ended. Nikolay hasn't even gotten a chance to say goodbye. He sighed, curling up in his sleeping bag as he stared at his screensaver of him and Flynn. He bit back tears, he really didn't want to cry again.

Alois heard sniffling coming from Nikolay's tent and smiled softly, they knew he was crying over how much he missed Flynn again. They didn't blame him, they missed their own girlfriend quite much.
"Knock knock," They giggled as they waited for a response from Nikolay.

Nikolay frantically wiped the tears streaming down his face away as he sat up, wiping his nose with his sleeves before putting on the most neutral expression he could. He pretended to have been reading as he mumbled a 'come in'.

Alois peeked their head inside the tent door, the soft smile remaining on their face. "Hey Nik... you alright?"

Nikolay nodded, not taking his eyes off the book. He felt embarrassed. Four nights out of the fourteen the two had been here, he had practically cried himself to sleep. He didn't want to dump his problems on Alois, especially when they had their own things going on.

Alois sat near him, reaching to gently pat his back. Nikolay jumped and backed away. "Woahwoahwoahwoah, woah, woah-" He fumbled with his wand for a second, defensively pointing it at them. Talk about trust issues...

Alois held their hands up as if surrendering. "I was just going to offer comfort and hugs, calm down, I'm not evil. You've worked with me for like a year."

Nikolay nodded slowly and moved back to his spot. Alois pat his back. "We'll be home before you know it."

Nikolay hoped so. He nodded and sighed, leaning his head on Alois's shoulder.


Flynn sighed as he stared at the 'Call Ended' on the screen for a few minutes. He wasn't sure if he should call Nikolay back, so he just texted him an apology instead.

Me: Sorry about that, Sam wanted to come over to study and now she's being a nuisance 😅

💜Nikolay💜: don't worry about it.

Me: i can't wait for you to come back

💜Nikolay💜: miss u more💕

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