☀️Oneshot 17- Taichi x Raden☀️

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Fluff & Angst Mix
In dialogue, names are written in Traditional Japanese order (last, first).

"Taichi, I think it's time we had a talk." Emperor Sung-Woo sighed as he looked at his son, who was in the middle of eating a shrimp dish one of the palace chefs had asked him to try.

"Uh, uh- yes your highness." Taichi clumsily stood, slipping and landing on his back. He quickly stood once more and straightened himself before bowing, then handed the dish back to the chef. "It's really good Serizawa-san!" He murmured to the chef and gave a smile.

"Taichi. Now please." Sung-Woo spoke, not very harsh but clearly whatever he wanted to talk about with the prince was important.

"Coming pa!" Tai waves goodbye to Rikyu Serizawa, the chef, and runs to his father's side, looking up at him with a smile.

"Taichi... I have bad news." Sung-Woo started as they walked to the emperor's office. He sat down in his chair, Taichi left standing in front of him.

"We have gotten word that Huo Qiu's armies are invading on behalf of China. You're the only man in this family that can fight. I'm far too old my son... my body doesn't move the way it used to."

Tai couldn't believe what he was hearing. Him? Fight? It sounded like a joke, but he knew his father wasn't lying. "B-but pa, I can't fight! I can barely even walk straight! And I'm only 21!"

"I know, Taichi. That's why I invited the head general to train you. But he has his own soldiers and problems to deal with. So he sent one of his best instead."

Tai crosses his arms. He hated this idea. Being trained by some probably old guy to fight in a war that could easily be solved with a talk and a good meal.

Just then, the door opened. A tall, dark haired man with long hair, tied back in a bun walked in, politely bowing to the two royals before standing straight. His arms neatly folded behind his back. His monolid silver eyes looked Tai up and down before returning their gaze to Sung-Woo. He seemed intimidating. Dark. Handsome, thought Tai. Was he allowed to think that? There was no harm right, as long as he didn't say anything out loud?

His thoughts were interrupted by his father speaking. "Taichi, don't be rude. Introduce yourself."

"Sorry!" He apologized, quickly getting out of his seat and extending a hand to the soldier. "Kimura Taichi!" He exclaimed.

"Taichi! Properly." His father scolded. Tai rolled his eyes and scoffed, retracting his hand, bowing as Raden had done earlier.

Raden couldn't help but smile at the shorter boy, introducing himself as well. "Nakano Raden. It's an honor to meet you, your majest-"

"God no, don't call me that. Just call me Tai!"

His father facepalmed and held his hand there for a moment, sighing at how informal his son was.

"Now that you two have gotten acquainted... that'll be all. Taichi, show Nakano-kun to his room. Your training starts tomorrow."

"Okay pa!" He takes Raden's hand and runs out the room, dragging the soldier behind him.

Once they were out of the emperor's earshot, Raden decided to get to know his trainee better. "...You call your dad 'pa'?..."

Tai nodded while walking along Raden's side. "Yep! My mom was from the United Colonies, so I use some of their vocabulary! What do you call yours?"

Raden looked down. He couldn't remember. It'd been so long since his dad passed. "I don't have one." He said simply, displaying no visible emotion, but he was sad. He knew he was, he was ignoring it.

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