☀️ Oneshot Seven- Levi x Jeremy ☀️

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Trigger Warning: Physical and Mental Abuse

Levi had been over at his parent's house for the weekend. It was Sunday, he was supposed to leave today, but he didn't even feel like getting up. His dad had come home extremely drunk the night before, while Levi was still up... and the rest of the night doesn't need to be explained.

Jeremy was worried, as usually they met at the train station so they could go back together, but he couldn't see Levi anywhere. Levi didn't have a phone so he couldn't contact him. He decided he'd go over to Levi's house and see if maybe the brunet had just been asleep. He knew of Levi's situation with his father, but started to walk there anyway.

Levi was abruptly awoken by the door to his room slamming open and the palm of his father's hand slapping his face hard.

"Wake up, crip."

Levi couldn't even whine, he was so exhausted. He tiredly sat up, staring up at his father.

"Go make lunch for your mother and I." His father grumbled as he started to walk away. Levi continued to stare after him, but his dad looked back and caught him staring.

"Ain't no one teach you no manners?! Don't stare at me!" His father shouted.

"You're one to talk about manners..." Levi mumbled, but it was more than loud enough for his father to hear. He slapped Levi again before roughly lifting him up by the collar of his shirt. Levi didn't even have the strength to look up at this point.

"What'd you say, boy?"

Levi quickly shook his head no as in nothing and managed to make eye contact with his father. His father grunted and threw Levi back on to the bed.

"I'm taking your mom out for lunch instead, clean up the house." He snarled before leaving the room.

Levi sighed. He glanced over at the clock. Fuck, he was going to miss the train... He heard the front door slam, meaning that his parents finally left. He stood up and reluctantly got dressed, throwing on a hoodie and jeans. He wanted to wear the dress in his closet but ignored it so he didn't upset his father further. After half an hour or so, there was a knock on the door. Levi went to open it. He didn't have his hood or glasses on or anything. There was Jeremy. His jaw dropped as he saw Levi's bruised face. Levi was obviously tired as he gazed up at Jeremy. It took him a minute before he quickly tried to close the door and think of an alibi. Jeremy didn't let him, barging into the house.

"Babe..." He said softly as he looked at Levi's face.
Levi turned away, biting his lip slightly. He didn't want to add on to Jeremy's problems...

Jeremy reached up to cup Levi's face and Levi backed away, flinching hard as he closed his eyes. All he could see was his father's hand coming to hit him.
Jeremy watched as Levi backed away. "Hey, hey," He said softly, "I'm not going to hurt you..."

Jeremy's voice wasn't registering with Levi. Nothing was. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He watched Jeremy turned into his dad. This wasn't the first time this had happened. He stared up at 'his dad' with tired and scared eyes.

Jeremy tried to move closer to the scared boy in front of him. He could see how afraid Levi was in his eyes. They were wide and he was beginning to tear up. He took another look at him and he just saw a scared kid.

"Hey..." Jeremy reached for Levi's hand.
Levi backed himself into a corner, burying his head in his arms. The last two times this had happened, he'd convinced himself that his dad wasn't there, he knew his dad wasn't there because he was at Hogwarts. Well, now he was at home, and it was very possible the person standing in front of him could actually be his dad.

Jeremy continued to inch closer to Levi, gently calling his name. He didn't understand what was happening. Had he accidentally hurt his boyfriend? He'd noticed this happen two times before, both when he raised his hand to Levi... Oh. How did he not realize that? Levi was afraid of him because he was scared Jeremy was going to hit him.

"Levi, hey, look at me... please?"

Levi slowly shifted his gaze to look up at Jeremy. He still looked terrified.

Jeremy intertwined his fingers with Levi's, gently squeezing his hand. Levi looked down at their hands, and the image of Jeremy as his father slowly melted away. Levi felt bad now and got up to slowly hug Jeremy, murmuring a bunch of apologies.

"It's okay, shh, it's not your fault..." Jeremy gently tried to comfort him.

Levi sniffled as he stayed in his arms. After a minute or two he just murmured, "My dad's going to be home soon, we need to go..."

Jeremy nodded as he helped Levi finish packing his bags. He came to the dress Levi had wanted to wear earlier and smiled, looking over at him. "This is cute. You'd look good in it."

Levi blushed and ran a hand through his own hair. "Thanks..." He said, smiling timidly. Jeremy reached over and kissed his cheek.

"Come on, we can go to the Leaky Cauldron and use the floo network there to get to school."

Levi nodded as he got up with his bag. He leaned into Jeremy, he had a slight limp in his gait as he walked. They caught a bus and came to the Leaky Cauldron, eventually getting to school where they talked and decided that Levi would move in with Jere.

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