The hiking trip

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Veronica and Betty wanted to do something fun with their boyfriends. They had already been to a cabin, spent the night in the woods, went to New York for a week, and went sky diving, but the girls wanted to have a nice break, while also adding in their own spice.

They were going to go to a resort, that offered hiking trails. That way they could relax but when that became boring they could go hiking.

And they needed a fun trip for spring break, this was gonna be the perfect trip according to the girls.

"Betty are you almost ready?" Jughead asked walking in her bedroom.

"Almost, I don't know if I like this outfit or not." Betty said looking in her mirror.

"You look adorable, now hurry up before Veronica starts yelling we weren't ready in time." Jughead laughed.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Betty grumbled.

She was so excited that she had barley gotten any sleep. Jughead however had slept like a baby. He wasn't looking forward to the hiking part of the trip, but being with his girl was a win.

Once Veronica and Archie pulled up Archie helped them load their bags in the car. The girls sat in the back while Jughead sat in the front with Archie. He could hear the girls talking about going to the spa the resort offered and going to the pool every other night. He knew this wasn't going to be a restful vacation with them. They always wanted to go, while he just wanted to sleep sometimes.

After a three hour drive Archie finally pulled up to the huge resort. Jughead and Archie carried in the girls stuff while Betty and Veronica signed them in. Betty and Jughead had one master suite, and Veronica and Archie had the master suite across from them.

"Since it's already 1pm, I was thinking we could rest in our room and unpack and then meet tonight for dinner downstairs." Veronica said.

"Sounds perfect, what time do we need to be ready?" Betty asked.

"We can meet at 7." Veronica said.

"Okay." Betty smiled before shutting their door.

 She turned around to see Jughead already on the bed. He was looking at a binder every room had. It listed all the fun things to do around the resort.

"What do you want to do while we are down here?" Betty asked laying down beside him.

"I want to snuggle you, and maybe have some sunset walks along the paths outside." Jughead said.

"That sounds like a perfect idea, but we are spending a week here, so we are gonna do way more than that." Betty said.

"I know, I just wish sometimes that it was just you and me when we go on trips like this." Jughead said.

"The only way my parents will let me come is if Veronica and Archie are coming too. They don't trust me and you alone." Betty said.

"We are seniors I don't see the big problem." Jughead said.

"Me either, but they have a problem that I can't change, so instead you are gonna enjoy your time down here with me and them." Betty said.

"Fine." Jughead said.

Betty laid a small kiss on his cheek. He put the binder on the nightstand before rolling over so he was looking right at her.

"Set your phone alarm, we could both use another nap before tonight." Jughead said.

Betty gave him a small smile before setting her alarm. She laid her phone on the nightstand, then went and grabbed her blanket so they could stay extra warm.

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