Chapter 16

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Quite a few years passed, the boys and girls had aged. Unfortunately, there was no more One Direction anymore. But the boys were still as close as ever, all the families of the boys have moved close to each other to maintain contact with one another. 

Every single member of the One Direction group were in a serious relationship. Harry was still with Tanya, Liam was with a girl called Jackie, Louis was with Beatrice, Zayn was with Miranda, Niall was with  Anne. 

Like the boys, the girls grew close. Tanya, Miranda and Beatrice had told Anne and Jackie about Sparia, and they were both so touched by it. 

Since the years passed, Harry had gotten over the loss of Sparia. Tanya was right, when she told him about Steve. The pain does stop, and his brain finally understands she's gone. The last time Harry had spoken with Sparia was when she claimed she had saved Priyanka from nearly dying. 

Harry still walked to her grave every month or so, to pass a letter. He would tell her how his day went, what was new, how his life was going and hoping she was just fine. But she never came back to talk to him again. 

Harry walked to her grave, quietly as he could. When he reached there, he placed a letter in the box, where all the others were. 

But something was wrong, all the letters were open when he opened the box. Was is always like that, had he not seen it before? He scanned through the box, yes, every single one of them was open. There was a small note at the bottom. 

I love you, so much. x

It was written in Sparia's handwriting. Not possible, Harry thought to himself. He decided to leave the letters as they were. He closed the box, and he hid behind a bush, near to the grave. He wanted to know who was doing this to all the letters. He was surely mad. 

He waited for hours but no one came. He was about to give up when suddenly a flash of white came from the end of the road. The figure walked towards the grave. The way she wore her dress, the way her hair fell back, it was no mistaking who she was. 

She opened the box, took out the letter he had just written this morning. He ducked behind the bush and peeked up. She sat on the roadside, reading the letter. Cars passed, but they didnt seem to notice her. 

She finished reading and put the letter next to her. Harry saw tears streaming down her face. She buried her face in her hands and she sobbed. Harry had no idea if she was crying tears of joy or sadness. 

She looked up. Her head spun to where Harry was. She knew he was there. Harry gave himself up, and got up from the bush. Even as the years passed, Harry still remained handsome, even though his face had aged. He still had the eyes, the dimples, and the hair, even though it's faded a bit. 

But she still looked the same. She put the letter back in the envelope, and put the letter back in the box. She turned to look at him, tears still streaming down her face. 

Sparia smiled at him, happy for him, because of what he had told her what he was going to do soon. He smiled back. 

Then she disappeared in the blink of an eye. 


Harry walked back to his car when he saw a familiar figure. 

"Tanya!" He yelled, and ran to her. 

"Oh hey, curls." Tanya said, embracing him in her arms.

"It's almost gone now, the curls are getting straighter. We're both getting old, grandma!" 

Tanya laughed. "Shut up! Haha. Doesn't change my love for you any less." 

"I know." Harry kissed her head. "I need to talk to you."

"Is everything alright?" Tanya asked, concerned. 

"It's fine." Harry said. "Come on." He grabbed her hand and lead her to a near by garden. 

Harry faced the sun, turning his back away from her. "I know when I first met you, I was in love with someone else. I have a small part that still loves her. You have a small part that still loves Steve. We've both lost someone we cared about dearly." 

He turned back to face her. "These losses have brought us together. It's made us stronger. I know we'll both never love each other a hundred percent. But ninety nine percent is good enough right?" 

Tanya laughed. "Yeah, it is." 

"I know I love you, and I know you love me too, and I sure as hell wouldn't like to lose you either. I know neither of them, Steve or Sparia would too." 

"Harry what are you saying?" Tanya asked, suddenly confused.

"This is a promise, until we die, hopefully." 

Harry got down on one knee. "I know this isn't some romantic restaurant or sunset, but I know this would still be special to you." 

He pulled out a box and opened it. Inside it was a beautiful diamond ring. 

"Will you marry me?"


With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now