Chapter 13

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A few months passed and pretty soon, like Beatrice and Louis, Harry and Tanya had started dating. Tanya, Beatrice and Miranda had spent more time together, and were close as ever. The three girls have also grown alot more closer to the One Direction boys. In a way, some of them feel, that Sparia's death have brought them closer, for the better. 

Harry hadn't seen Sparia since he kissed Tanya a few months ago. He was starting to think that maybe she was gone for good. He was talking to Zayn and Niall when Tanya came and and announced she was heading for a shopping spree with Beatrice and Miranda, she kissed Harry gently on the cheek and waved goodbye to the others. 

"I need to say something. It's good to see you happy, Harry. It's been so long." Niall said.

"I agree, seeing you smile, after what happened is one of the best things we could ask for." Zayn agreed.

"Thanks guys." Harry hugged them and squeezed them.

They pulled apart and Niall asked, "So when are you gonna pop the question, Zayn?" 

Zayn nearly jumped out of his seat. "What question?" He asked. 

"Dude, you've been crushing on Miranda for months, possibly almost a year, about time you ask her out, man." Harry said. Zayn just gave a shy smile.

"I'm shy, ya know? I wouldn't know what to say." He drifted off. 

"I bet with you, if you asked her, she'd say yes." Niall said.

"YES YES YES!" Harry jumped. 

"Okay okay, I'll ask her tonight." Zayn said, laughing at how ridiculous, yet supportive his best friends, brothers, were. Niall and Harry high fived.


"Okay, what about this top?" Beatrice asked, holding up a green patterned shirt on her chest.

"Not your color." Miranda said sitting down on one of the many couches they had at the store. Beatrice nodded in agreement and set the shirt back on it's rack.

"Girls, we should go away." Tanya suggested.

"Go away? Is the clerk looking at us or something?" Miranda asked cocking her head.

"No, ahaha." Tanya slapped her arm. "I meant we should get away, a vacation, something. Just the 3 of us."

"I can totally imagine it." Miranda jumped out and did a spastic hand jazz move. "The beach. The boys. The sun." Her eyes drifted off and she noticed the CCTV camera on top of the ceiling. She waved. Tanya and Beatrice couldn't stop laughing.

"This weekend? I know this beach downtown, slash resort." Beatrice suggested.

"I'm in." Tanya said and Miranda high fived her.

They shopped around some more, and finally got some clothes and accessories. They decided to grab a bite at arestaurant. They settled everything down and sat. They ordered and their food arrived, they started digging in.

"Sooo. What's the deal between you and Zayn-boo?" Tanya asked, taking a sip at her soup.

"Oh please, no one calls him that anymore." Beatrice said.

"Nothing's going on, why do you ask?" Miranda asked. Beatrice and Tanya looked at each other bursted into hysterics. Miranda was confused, but yet she understood a bit.  

"It's so obvious that you guys love each other." Beatrice said.

"No, not love. Maybejustatinycrush." Miranda said and said the last sentence as one word. Tanya and Beatrice's mouth developed into an "O". 

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now