Chapter 15

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Continuous of the last chapter.. {One month before Tanya, Beatrice and Miranda's accident} 

Harry had to find out who Daniel was and what was Sparia's business with Ethan that made him crazy and mad enough to kill her. He knew what he had do to first, even though he didn't want to. He took out the letter that was adressed to Ethan and read it once more. 

Ethan, I know you're waiting. I'm sorry I've kept you waiting this long. Don't go looking for him, he's gone. You'll have to deal with me. 


Only two people know the answers to the questions Harry had in his head. One of them is dead and the other was in jail. 


Harry tapped his fingers on the table while waiting. He had been in the police station far too many times and was frankly, getting sick of it. The door opened and the man who he loathed the most walked in. The police officer who had a grip of his arm made him sit down on the chair opposite of Harry.

"I told you that you'd come back for more." Ethan spat out. Harry got the letter adressed to Ethan from Sparia and flicked on the table. He opened it and showed it to Ethan.

"What is she talking about?" Harry asked, trying to remain calm.

"That's between me and her." Ethan replied.

"I need to know."

"Why? She's good as dead anyways." Ethan smirked.

"Tell me. Now." Harry demanded, temperature rising.

"Fine. What have I got to lose?" Ethan paused. "Sparia took  money from me. I'm not talking about a couple of bucks. I'm talking thousands and thousands of bucks. She borrowed it off of me and kept me waiting for too long. She lent it to this guy called 'Daniel' or something. Said he was her brother. The 'he' she told me not to go looking for in that letter is Daniel." 

"Did you ever find him?" Harry asked.

"No, she took the money. So she had to pay. She kept me waiting too long so I knew what I had to do. I have no idea where Daniel is. Point is, she got what she deserved." Ethan looked at Harry, who was glaring back to him. 

"We're done here." Harry said. He took the letter and stuffed in his jacket. He ran out of the police station and ran some more. He finally stopped and took a breath. Now he knew what he wanted to know so many months ago. Why Sparia died. Daniel is gone and no where to be found. Now there was nothing left to do. 


Back at the hospital: Recap, Chapter 13..

Soon, he heard heaving breathing next to him. He heard Tanya struggling to breathe, her eyes weren't open, but her mouth was, it was sucking air in, like it was her last breath. His hand hit the red button next to her without hesitation. He stood up and grabbed her hands.

"Tanya, breathe, please." Harry begged, she didn't hear him. "Please, please, please, please." He glanced up at the heart rate monitor, it was going insane, it was slowly slowing down. He hoped for the best. But no, it didn't stop at a normal rate. It kept dying.

The nurses and doctor ran in, and crowded around her, but Harry didn't seem to hear. 

The only sound he heard was the faint beep the heart rate monitor made when it died. It only took one second to figure out she was gone. 


Harry could feel the oxygen being sucked out of him. Tanya was gone. He seemed to be screaming but he couldn't hear anything. Hands were holding him down, preventing him from jumping or doing anything. Everything was a blur. The flashback of what happened with Ethan came flying back to him. He wondered why as he collapsed onto the floor, Priyanka wasn't Sparia. 

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep...

Harry's head snapped upwards as he glanced at the heart rate monitor next to Tanya. It was coming back at a normal rate. He got up and held on to someone on his left who he assumed was Niall for support. Everyone in the room watched as Tanya came back alive and opened her eyes. 

"What happened?" She croaked. It seemed like a bad time but everyone started laughing, including the doctors and nurses. Everyone was way overwhelmed and filled with joy that the three girls were alive and they were recovering. 

A few weeks had passed and the girls had fully recovered. There was some bad news that the driver who was in the accident with them had passed away. There was a funeral for him and his family and friends came. After the funeral Harry grabbed Tanya's hand and walked down a sidewalk with her.

"You know, that easily could have been you." Harry said. Tanya nodded. "I don't want you to ever scare me like that again." He hugged Tanya tightly. She buried her face inside his chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a girl with a white dress nearby a tree. "Why don't you head home first? I'll see you there." She nodded and they kissed goodbye. Harry looked around to make sure he was alone.

"I'm crazy, I know it, but you saved her didn't you?" Harry asked. Sparia's pure face peeked out from behind the tree Harry was looking at. The look in her eyes answered his question. "Why?" 

"Because I know she really loves you, and you really love her too. I just didn't want you to lose her, like you lost me." Sparia stepped out from behind the tree. 

"Is that why I haven't seen you for so long? Because I found someone else?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I want you to be happy, Harry. Honestly." Sparia said, with a gentle look on her face. 

"I am happy. But no one compares to you, Sparia." He took a step towards her. Sparia smiled and disappeared. Harry walked back to his car, kicking rocks in his pathway, along the way. He heard voices near him and got down and hid. It was Zayn and Miranda's. They were laughing. He knew he shouldn't eavesdrop but he couldn't help it. 

"Gosh, I loved that movie!" Miranda exclaimed.

"Who doesn't?" Zayn asked and they both laughed. "Hey Miranda?" 

"Yeah Zayn?" Miranda asked, opening her car door.

Harry heard footsteps and could only assume Zayn was walking closer to Miranda. "Um, I know it's kinda obvious and I'm sorry it's taken so long, but will you go out with me?" 

Then silence. Harry peeked out a bit from where he was hiding and saw Miranda snogging Zayn. He couldn't help but let a chuckle out. They pulled away. Harry ducked behind a car. 

"What was that?" Miranda asked but all Zayn said was, "I'll take that as a yes." They both laughed and got in the car and drove home. 

Harry got up and got himself in his car, he couldn't help but feel happy. Paparazzi was following the tail of his car but he didn't mind. He lost them eventually and got home. The house was quiet, meaning that everyone, including the girls were asleep. He didn't bother taking off his clothes that he wore to the funeral. He kicked off his shoes and flopped on his bed. 

A smile planted upon his face before he drifted off to sleep. 

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now