Chapter 11

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Before Harry knew it, he had driven down to a bar all by himself, he didn't really care who was watching or who cared about him being there. He sat down, and drank a bottle of beer. Soon a bottle, turned into, two bottles, then three, then 5, soon he had gulped down 10 bottles. He drank for what felt like forever.

He was so drunk he couldn't keep balance. He kept muttering under his breath, "Sparia" repeatedly. He gulped downt the last bit of beer and shook his head.

A guy came over to collect his bottles. "Hard day?"

"No not really." Harry muttered.

"Lost someone you truly cared about? Because you realized they don't feel the same way?" He asked.

"Something like that." Harry muttered again, not bothering to argue.

The guy took a last glance at him and left with the bottles. The next half an hour was a blur. Harry remembered crying his heart out in the bar, next thing he knew, he found himself in front of Sparia's grave with a letter that he held in his hands soaked with tears. He was crying, and it started to rain.

Harry swore in his head. He felt rain everywhere. His letter was gonna get more soaked. He quickly put it in the box on her grave and covered it. He sat down on her grave and just thought about her. 

He was still crying, and everything was still a blur. He was drunk, and he needed to sleep. But he didn't want to go home. 

After like 5 minutes, he saw an old lady next to him holding an umbrella.

"Love, are you alright?" She asked, in a soft, gentle tone. 

"Why do you care?" Harry's words escaped out of his mouth faster than he could think. He hadn't meant to be so harsh, he was drunk, after all.

"You were screaming and crying, I couldn't just leave you like this." She said, looking sincere. 

"Whatever." Harry said.

"You're drunk aren't you?" She asked. Harry didn't respond, before he knew it, she had bent down, reached inside his jacket and pulled out his phone. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU OLD LADY!" He stood up and kept screaming and crying.

She had gone through his texts and calls, he seemed to recieve quite a lot from "Louis", so she had called him to pick him up and she gently placed his phone back in his jacket as he screamed and cried like a baby.

Harry was aware he was doing this, but no matter what, he couldn't seem to stop. His felt his heart literally breaking every time he thought of Sparia, and the tears streamed faster. 

He looked up but the old lady had already gone down the road, umbrella in hand. He cried harder and the tears blurred his vision. 

Next thing he knew, two pair of hands were on his shoulders, forcing him to stand up on the cold mud underneath his feet. He wiped as much tears from his eyes as he could, he saw the blurred vision of Louis and Beatrice helping him up. 

He didn't want to move, instead he kicked back and tried to sit back down. Louis' firm on his hand was strong, he finally got Harry steady on his feet and shoved him into the back seat of his car. Harry didn't know what to do anymore. He heard car doors shutting and he looked out the window, and stared at Sparia's grave as they drove away.

"He can crash at my place, my parents are out of town." Harry heard Beatrice say.

"Okay, it'll be good for him, some place new." Louis said.

They came to a stop and Louis and Beatrice got out. Louis opened the car's back door and he saw Harry staring at him. 

"Come on mate." Louis said and extended a hand. Harry didn't hesitate this time, he was having mood swings. Harry got out of the car and was on Louis' shoulder for support as Beatrice opened the door for them. 

Beatrice opened the door and let them in first before following behind and closing the door. 

"Take him to my room?" Beatrice said setting down her keys on the kitchen table. She removed her jacket and threw it over a chair. She started boiling some water. Louis dragged Harry up the stairs and took him to Beatrice's room. 

Harry, without thinking, flopped down on Beatrice's bed. He was having a headache. He closed his eyes, his eyes still full of tears. He imagined laying down with Sparia on freshly mowned grass. He smiled at the thought of seeing her beautiful face so happy. 

Beatrice came in, holding a cup of hot tea. 

"Tea?" Louis asked, inhaling the smell.

"Yeah, my mom believes it soothes your broken heart or just to cool your nerves down." She said and sat next to her bed.

Louis stared at her. As she watched Harry imagine, Louis realized how much he adored her. She was sweet, she was everything he had waited for a long time. He sat down next to her. 

Harry's imagination finally ended and he opened his eyes. He sat up and he was aware of Beatrice and Louis' presence next to him. He looked at them. His tears came down again. Beatrice set the tea on the small table beside her and sat next to Harry.

She put her arm on his back and started rubbing it. Harry hugged her, still crying. Beatrice continued to rub his back as he hugged her. He pulled away and wiped the tears away. 

Louis stood up and sat on the other side of his best friend. He hugged him and pulled away. 

"She's not gone. Not really. She'll always be here." Louis said and tapped his chest, indicating his heart. "She'll be in our hearts." 

Harry smiled at his cheesiness. They shared a group hug and Harry asked, "Could you guys leave me alone for a minute?" He had stopped crying, but with every breath he took, it was shaky.

Louis and Beatrice walked out of the room and closed the door. They stood outside for a while, Louis broke the silence. 

"You're amazing you know that right?" Louis asked and Beatrice looked up at him.

"No, not real-" She got cut off as Louis cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her. They kissed for a few seconds, and Louis pulled away. They smiled their goofiest smile and they hugged. 

Mean while in Beatrice's room, Harry was waiting. Pretty soon, she appeared. 

He smiled at her as she sat beside him. 

"You're such a wreck. But you never fail to show how much you love me." Sparia said playing with a frill on her pure white dress she always wore.

"My life is never complete without Sparia. Never. No matter how much I try, I can't ever forget you." Harry said, playing with his fingers. 

"I know. But you have to." She said. She put her hand on his, Harry gasped. He thought he would actually feel her hand, but he felt nothing but a brush of air on his skin. 

She stood up and walked to the window and stared out for a while. She turned around and looked around the room.  

Harry watched her as she examined photos on the shelves. Her face was so pure, so beautiful. He longed to hold it once again, but he didn't know what would happen. So he didn't risk anything. 

"Do me a favor?" Sparia asked.

"Yeah?" Harry responded.

"Have fun again. Stop mourning me, move on. It hurts me to know you're still like this, after months. Take some goofy pictures, fall in love." Sparia walked to the window again. "Harry, you're gonna fall in love so many times, and get your heart broken a lot of times, but you have to move on with life." 

"I can't promise that." Harry said, and even looking at the back of her head, he knew he felt a frown come upon her face. "But I'll do my best."

She turned around and smiled. "Goodbye." And like that, she disappeared. The door opened and Beatrice came in. 

"Why are you all red?" Harry asked as she closed the door behind her.

"No reason...You alright?" She asked handing Harry the cup of tea.

"I'm fine." He took a sip, he smiled and stared back into the place Sparia was standing before she left. 

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now