Chapter 5

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Harry woke up to constant exciting high pitched muttering. He opened his eyes to see girls around him. He realized he was at the beach with everyone else. He let out a scream. That pretty much woke everyone up. They all looked around and saw fans every where, there had to be at least 25 of them. They were all taking pictures and videos.

They looked as the fans chattered to the guys, but none of them were listening. Like their minds were connected, the guys and girls got up and ran. The fans ran right after them.

"The toilet, get to the toilet!" Niall said. They reached the toilet and ran in and quickly shut the door. It was pretty crowded with one direction and 2 girls.

'"You do realize, we're in a toilet. In a hut nearby where we slept." Sparia said.

"I think we realized that." Liam said.

Niall pulled out his phone.

"Who are you calling at a time like this?" Zayn asked. Niall ignored him as he waited for the dial tone.

"Paul? We need security now." He paused for a while, Paul talking on the other line. "Oh.. Um. Where are we?" Niall asked the other guys.

They all looked at each other. "Give me that." Miranda said and snatched the phone out of Niall's hand. She talked to Paul and hung up. She was pretty cranky in the morning. They could still hear muttering outside of the toilet door.

After a few minutes they heard a familiar voice. "Okay guys, I know you're in there, you can come out now, it's safe." It was Paul.

Zayn, closest to the door, opened it very slowly. There was no one there except for Paul.

"I reckon you have at least 29 seconds before they realized you didn't magically 'escape' to the shaved ice shop." Paul said. "CAR. NOW." Paul said and they all got out and hurried to the car waiting for them.

Paul got in and looked like a pissed father. "Well boys? Mind telling me why you went to the beach without security?"

"It didn't occur to us." Harry mumbled. "Sorry."

"You should be. Promise me you won't do it again." Paul said.

They all smiled, relived that Paul had forgiven them.


"I wanna dance with somebody!!" Sparia sang her heart out.

"I wanna feel the heat with somebody!" They jumped on the bed jamming out to the song. This is why Miranda was Sparia's best friend.

Harry walked in and saw them having fun. He stood at the doorway as they realized him there. They laughed and flopped on the bed. He was smiling at them.

"So are you guys coming to the concert or?" Harry asked.

"Yeah of course!" Miranda said hopping off the bed.

"What happened with your song, don't you have to record it?" Sparia asked grabbing her bag.

"Tomorrow. For now it's concert time!" Harry said and did a small jazz hand jump. They all walked out to the car that was going to take them to the concert.

They drove all the way to the concert. The boys did soundcheck and started doing warm ups for their voices. Niall made them all tea for their vocal chords. 

"15 minutes guys." Their top manager Joe told them. 

They started jumping around and Niall was going through his sheet music. Miranda and Sparia entered the room.

"Hey guys we wanted to wish you good luck." Sparia said, giving Liam a hug, because she was the closest to him.

They all hugged one another, Sparia giving Harry a kiss for good luck. Miranda hugged Zayn last, and when they hugged, Harry couldn't help but notice that Zayn's face was as red as a tomato. He was so lucky that Miranda hadn't seen that.

The boys waited for their queue to come on. 

"PLEASE WELCOME, ONE DIRECTION!" The husky voice said. The boys ran out on stage, as they did, the fans screamed and shrieked, obviously stunned by the piece of perfection in front of them. The boys performed and had fun all along. But one thing they couldn't get out of their mind was this banner that stood out much more than the others. The words were all covered in glitter, it was colorful, definitely. And it was big. Quite big. But from what the boys could see, only 2 girls were holding it, and they were both shrieking and yelling. The words on the banner was "1D GET IN MY BED TONIGHT." Harry and Zayn exchanged a look. They smiled while singing. The concert was pretty much over soon. The boys left the stage and were talking excitedly backstage. 

"That was amazing you guys!" Sparia said, coming out og no where and hugged Harry. 

"Truly was a great show! Zayn you hit that high note in 'Moments' perfectly!" Miranda said and Zayn blushed. Niall peeked out into the audience and it seemed almost everyone was gone.

"Time to get some food I suppose?" Niall asked.

"Niall it's 11 at night." Louis said.

"Midnight snack then!" Niall said. He grabbed his coat and hurried off to the back entrance.

"Harry can I talk to you for a while?" Louis asked.

"Sure." Harry said and they both hanged back behind the others.

"I just wanted you to know I'm done with Eleanor. I'm trying my best to forget her." 

"Good for you Lou!" Harry said and gave a very gay hug to him.

"It'll work better if someone new came along." 

"True, but now, let's just hang with friends and have a midnight snack." Harry said and grabbed Louis hand to go out. Everyone was getting into the car outside waiting for them.

"Hey isn't that the banner we noticed in the crowd?" Zayn pointed to a girl sitting on the sidewalk holding a huge banner. She looked like she was deep in thought. 

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Louis said.

"I hope she doesn't explode." Liam said.

Louis walked over to her and sat down next to her. The girl didn't notice him. He waved a hand in front of her face. She gasped and hit him.

"OWW!" Louis said. 

"OH MY GOSH! IM SO SORRY LOUIS! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOME KIND OF CREEPER. IM SO SO SORRY!" She pleaded rubbing the part where she had hit him. 

"It's alright. It's alright." Louis said, reassuring her. "Well I kind of came here on behalf of all of them, and me." He pointed to the crowd next to the car. "We really like your banner." 

Her heart was pounding so loudly in her chest she was wondering whether Louis could hear it. She never imagined Louis Tomlinson, THE louis tomlinson would actually be talking to her. All that hours of working on the banner with her best friend Tanya, it paid off. 

"Thank you. You can keep it." The girl said. 

"That'd be great. Thanks." Louis said as he took the banner from her. She smiled and he smiled back.

"So whats your name?" Louis asked.

"Beatrice." The girl replied.



With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now