(Chapter 10)

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Tanya had been avoiding Harry all week, Beatrice and Miranda doing the same. The other boys frankly didn't know what to say to him, but they acted like everything was normal. Harry was more puzzled at himself than anyone else was. His girlfriend, the love of his life, had just passed away, and he was making a move on her friend. 

He gave himself a slap for that. He deserved it. He walked towards Sparia's grave and sat down on the soft soil. He pulled out a letter that he had written for her. On her tombstone, there was a small box popping outwards, he had built it himself, he had wanted to write letters to her everyday, and then inserting them into the box. He scanned the envelope and put it in the box. He remembered he sat in his room, confused, upset and stressed, after kissing Priyanka. 

He had written:

 Hey Sparia, how've you been? I miss you like crazy.. So yeah, I just kissed your friend, Priyanka. I feel really BAD about it, you have no idea how much it hurts me. I literally feel my heart breaking every time I think about it. I hope you can forgive me. I'm just too overwhelmed by the fact that you're gone. And I guess something about Priyanka reminded me of you? I'm not sure. I really am sorry. I love you loads. 

I'm sorry x

With love, Harry.

He stared at her grave for a moment. Wishing that she'd come back for a while. But she didn't. When times like these, he needed her, she never appeared. When he didn't need her, she appeared. And when she did, she would disappear as soon as Harry was about to find out something. 

Harry ran his hand through his soft brown curls, he almost pulled it out. 

He pulled out his phone with a sigh and texted Tanya. 

'As much as you're mad at me, we can't put this off forever. Please talk to me. Please.' He sent it and immediately got a response. 

'I'll talk to you tonight at the campfire.' Tanya had texted back. 

Right, the campfire. Harry thought to himself. This campfire was going to be dedicated to Sparia. They would all share memories they had of her, and would just send blessings to her, praying that's she's happy where she is now. 

Harry got up and did a small prayer inside his head for Sparia and walked back to the house where he and the boys lived. He opened the door and saw the other 4 young lads sitting on the floor playing UNO. 

"UNO GAME. I WIN!" Niall screamed as he leapt of the floor in delight. Harry couldn't help but smiling. They soon noticed Harry in the room, and the tension seemed to rise a bit. 

"Harry." Louis said, setting his cards down and standing up.

"We've been meaning to talk to you." Zayn said, also setting down his cards.

"Harry, we know you didn't mean to kiss Tanya on purpose." Liam said seriously with his brows up.

"I guess you're just still in shock about Sparia." Niall said in his Irish accent.

"Everyone has those kind of times." Louis said, setting himself on the arm of the couch.

"That's why we're going to help you get your friendship back with the girls." Liam said, giving a smile.

"It's not like I got into a fight or anything, I just did something to make them mad.." Harry said, barely making sense of his own words. 

"We know, lets make them un-mad." Niall said, and everyone turned to stare at him.

"That's not even a word." Zayn said, rubbing his neck.

"I don't really care man." Niall said and they laughed. For once in quite a while, Harry felt like everything was normal.

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now