(Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2

Sparia was cleaning up the counter at the shop she worked at, "Maramo". She was wiping the counter when a brown curly haired dimpled boy walked in. 

"May I have something sweet?" He asked.

"Sure, but it'll cost you two bucks." Sparia said.

"I'll take it." Harry said and leaned in to kiss her. He closed his eyes as he leaned forward. Instead of kissing Harry back, Sparia shoved a candy bar on his mouth. "Not what I was going for, but I'll take it." He said and they laughed.

"So, you ready for one of the best dates?" Harry asked.

"Well you didn't tell me where we're going so, should I be excited?" Sparia asked.

"Yeah you should." Harry said and handed her the cash for the candy bar.

"5 minutes." Sparia said glancing up at the clock, which had its hand on 6:55pm. 

"It's just 5 minutes? Can't you leave?" Harry asked.

"We've been through this smart pants, I can't leave, there are security camera's everywhere and I'll get fired." Sparia said putting the wet cloth away.

 "Alright, well at least get your coat!" Harry said, seeming all jumpy, Sparia noticed.

"Why are so jumpy?" She asked getting curious.

"I'm just excited for tonight." He said and smiled. 

A girl around Sparia's age walked in, her eyes focused on her phone. She seemed to be texting because the occasional smile at her phone would happen. She finally put her phone in her pocket and smiled to herself. Her expression softened when she looked at Harry.

"Should I run?" Harry said to himself, but Sparia and the girl seemed to hear it.

"No no please dont!" The girl rushed up to Harry. "Hi, I'm such a huge fan, it'll mean so much to me if you could take a picture with me?" She asked and harry nodded. She pulled out her phone and took a picture with Harry.

Sparia smiled to herself, she was dating one of the most famous guys in Hollywood, yet he was the sweetest thing ever. She was so lucky to have him.

After the girl took the picture, she looked at Sparia and gasped. "OHMYGOSH! You're Sparia aren't you?! Harry's girlfriend?" The girl asked and Sparia nodded. "Wow, you have no idea how much I love you guys, I think you guys are so sweet together." 

"Awh. Thank you." Sparia said and smiled. "Anything you'd like?" She asked the girl, pointing at the counter. 

"Nah it's okay, I came here to use the bathroom, but I'm overly joyed right now, so I think I'll be fine." The girl said, and she headed for the door. "I love you guys! Goodbye!" As she walked out, Sparia noticed she was trembling. 

Sparia and Harry waited. "Almost." Harry said. Sparia giggled at their little inside joke. After 20 seconds, they heard it. A scream, most likely from the girl that came in. They both started laughing.

"Happens everytime!" Sparia said, covering her mouth as she laughed. She grabbed her coat and hung it over her hand. She turned off the lights, and locked the counter. "Let's go!" They walked out and Sparia locked up.

"You ready?" Harry asked and Sparia nodded. He swung his arm over his shoulder and kissed her head. She rested her head on his shoulder as they walked.

They heard the familiar run of footsteps behind them, and they started running. Sparia and Harry looked back to see camera's flashing and people running after them.

"Paparazzi's. Got to hate 'em." Harry said as he ran hand in hand with Sparia. They reached Harry's car and got in as soon as they could. They drove off to people still flashing camera's at their windows. Sparia put on her seatbelt and sat in silence. 

As soon as Harry thought they were far enough from the Paparazzi's, he stopped in the middle of the road. 

"Harry what are you doing? Cars are gonna come!" Sparia said. He looked lost and upset as he turned around to check for cars. "Harry whats wrong?" 

"I feel upset. I don't like you putting up with Paparazzi's for me. I don't like you taking pictures with my fans when you don't want to. Sometimes being famous is hard." Harry said as he stared at the road in front of him. 

"Being famous has its advantages and disadvantages. I'm willing to put up with them, if that means being with you." Sparia said, also staring ahead of her.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Harry asked as he turned to face her.

"Because you care about me, so I care about you much more." She said and she faced him. 

He put his hand on her cheek and brought her closer to his face, he leaned in and kissed her..

As they pulled away, Harry said, "You're going to enjoy tonight." 

"I believe you." She said and smiled. Harry smiled back and started driving away. 


With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now