(Chapter 9)

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Harry looked out his window. It's been a month since Sparia had passed away. He looked around the room, looking for something to occupy himself. He stood up and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of cold water and startes sipping it. He walked back to the couch where he had been sitting on and he saw her.

"Not again." He said, to himself, hoping she wouldn't hear it.

"Hey." Sparia said.

"I'm crazy." He slapped himself.

"You're not crazy." She said getting up from the couch.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I miss you."

"And I think the only reason you're here is because I'm imagining things!" Harry said frustrated.

"Harry you-" She got cut off, by the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

With a blink of an eye, she was gone. Louis came down the stairs.

"You're talking to yourself again aren't you?" He asked, shaking his head.

"I swear I'm not." Harry said and sighed. "I keep seeing her everywhere Louis. I keep telling myself I'm imagining things, but she keeps insisting that she's always here because she misses me or something and I dontknowimjustsof***ingfrustrated." Harry said in a rush.

"Chill. Go out for a walk, or a coffee, by yourself. See how things work." Louis said putting his arm around Harry and rubbing his shoulder. 

Harry nodded and got up. He grabbed his coat, as it was winter, it was cold. He walked to the nearest coffee shop and sat down. He removed his jacket and ordered. 

He drank his coffee in silence.

Anytime now. He thought to himself. Soon, he saw her sitting on a beanbag opposite him.

"Hey." Harry said.

"What? You're not gonna scream at me or anything?" Sparia asked, adjusting her white dress.

"Nope. Because I miss you. So it feels good, talking to you." Harry said.

"I miss you a lot." Sparia said with a sigh.

"What's it like? Being dead?" Harry asked. His answer never came. She disappeared, when he heard the bell on top of the coffee shop door ring.

Louis, Tanya and Beatrice all came inside. Tanya scanned the room and spotted Harry. She walked towards him. She sat at the spot Sparia had been sitting.

"This seat taken?" She asked.

"It was." Harry mumbled.

Louis and Beatrice sat next to them. Beatrice next to Harry and Louis next to Tanya.

"You're going to get through this." Louis said.

"I know, but I need time. Lots of time." Harry said and dozed off into a daydream. He stared out the window, not bothering to pay attention to the situation anymore. 

Louis and Beatrice started talking like they were the best of friends. Tanya watched as Harry daydreamed. She felt pity and everything else for him. But the worst part, is that she was starting to fall for him.


Harry soon snapped back to reality. He looked around, and everyone was almost gone. Louis and Beatrice were gone, and only Tanya was left. 

"You've been here the whole time?" Harry asked.

"Of course, I couldn't let you stay here by yourself." Tanya said, gulping down the last bit of coffee in her mug. 

"Thank you." Harry said, and smiled for the first time, in a long time.

"Come! I'll walk you back home." Tanya said standing up, she offered her hand to Harry. He was still smiling, and he accepted it.

They walked home, talking and laughing. Harry finally felt happy for once in a very long time. 

Tanya and Harry stopped at his door step. 

She smiled and said, "See you tomorrow curls!" Sparia used to call him that. For a second, he lost control. She turned away, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back, and he kissed her for a few seconds. 

They pulled away. Harry had only realized what he had done. He could see tears swimming in her eyes as she slowly backed away. As soon as she was far enough, she ran, she ran like she was running for her life. Harry touched his lips and sighed. A breath of cold smoke surrounded him.

Now Tanya definitely knew she was falling for him. 

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