(Chapter 6)

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"Okay everybody up!" Dave said as he entered Harry and Louis' bedroom. "Time to record the song you guys wrote! Wake the others up, I want to see you all at the studio by 6!" Dave was about to leave.

"Why couldn't we wake up at 9 like any other day?" Harry said before Dave got to the door.

"Didn't Joe tell you?" Dave asked. Joe was one of the members of their management.

"No." Harry said.

"You're going to several concerts today, one at a mall, then at the street and more can't talk now. But you'll be home by 6."

Louis lifted his head and looked at the clock. "it's 4:45 in the morning!" He said and flopped his head back on the bed.

"6 o clock!" Dave said and left the room.

They got dressed and showered. Louis went to wake up the other boys while Harry sneakily creeped into Sparia & Miranda's room. The lights were off and Harry climbed onto Sparia's bed and hugged her by her waist.

She moved a little. "Good morning." Harry whispered into her ear.

"Harry?" Sparia said barely opening her eyes. He kissed her cheek. 

"I'm off to work, see you later?" Harry asked and she nodded. "I'll pick you up around 9 okay?" She nodded again. He kissed her cheek again and whispered, "I love you" before leaving the room and shutting the door.

He headed out for the car waiting for the boys. All the boys rolled in, and they headed off to work, their eyes barely open.

Next thing they knew, they were at the recording booth.

"Did we drink our tea already?" Zayn asked barely keeping balance.

"I think so." Liam said.

"You did, now try and sing properly." Dave said.

The boys tried their best to sing properly, because they love their job and they want to the best they can for the fans.

"Do you remember the times we used to cry? To laugh?" Liam started off the song. They soon finished the song and had a bit more practice.

"I think that was great you guys!" Dave said clapping his hands.

"Oh good." Liam said and flopped on the floor.

"Get up!" Dave said and Zayn helped him up.

"It's 8, so you guys go have a break, go back to your hotel. I'll be back at 10 to pick you up for your concerts." Dave said and left the room. The boys went back to their hotel and all flopped on their beds and literally fell asleep.

The door slammed open and Miranda and Sparia jumped on their beds. "WAKE UP!" 

"OH MY GOD." Zayn screamed into his pillow. Miranda laughed and jumped on him.

"We're going to the pool, see you guys later." Miranda said hopping off of Zayn. The boys groaned as the girls left the room.

"I love annoying them." Miranda said.

"Me too, high five." Sparia said as they high fived each other and headed for the pool. They saw no one there but another two girls.

 "Seriously Tanya, you should buy something back for you mom!" A girl on Sparia's left said.

"No Beatrice. I'm too lazy." Tanya said.

"I'll drag your ass there then." Beatrice said.

"Hi girls, mind if we sit next to you?" Miranda asked indicating to the two seats next to them. 

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now