(Chapter 7)

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It has been 3 weeks, and Sparia was still missing. Harry has probably lost his mind, Miranda has been crying non stop, the other girls are just as depressed, and the other boys are upset. For the past week or so, they've been sitting in a circle with the phone in the middle, praying that someone might call, and say that they've spotted Sparia. 

Harry's eyes were big and they popped out really easily. Every morning he would wake up, to a pillow soaked with tears and a broken heart. He couldn't speak, his throat was choked with tears and love. His mind and soul were not with him. He had lost his true love, well not lost, hopefully. One direction has had to cancel their tour for the time being. 

It was getting late, and as the hours went, one by one, everyone got out of the circle and headed to bed. Harry didn't make it to his bed, so instead he slept on the floor, next to the phone. 

Harry soon woke to the sound of curtains opening. He opened his eyes, he saw Louis staring out into the window. "Good morning." Louis said.

"What time is it?" Harry asked, his voice croaky.

"Four a.m." Louis said. He sat down next to Harry. "I'm not gonna ask you whether you're doing alright cause obviously you're not." Tears streamed down Louis' face. Harry sat up straight and put his arm around Louis. "I hate seing her gone, she was like a sister to me, a little sister that I loved." The tears streamed more heavily and Louis felt like he couldn't breathe. "And I hate seeing you and the others so upset, especially you, because you loved her more than anyone." Louis said, his voice cracking. 

"I'm sorry." Louis said and hugged Harry.

"It's okay." Harry said and they didn't let go for several minutes. Once they did, the both lay next to each other on the floor, staring at the ceiling. 


Another month had passed and Sparia was still missing. No one had called, not even the police.

One morning, Harry was laying his head on the kitchen table, when the phone rang and he ran like a ninja to get it. Everyone surrounded him, he looked at the caller ID. The Police. He answered.

"Hello?"  Harry asked and put the phone on loud speaker.

"Harry? Is this Harry Styles?" A man with a husky voice asked.


"We've found her." 


Everyone was in their PJ's when they had arrived at the dumpster alley. There were yellow ribbons all around with "DO NOT CROSS" on them. A police man walked up to them.

"Well? Is she okay?" Harry asked. 

"What they didn't tell you?" the policeman asked, surprised.

"No, what is it?" Zayn asked. 

"They found her body by the dumpster, she's dead. Someone shot her in the head. Sorry kiddo." The policeman said and patted Harry's arm.

Harry fell to his knees, and just like everyone else, tears started pouring out from their eyes like waterfalls. They suddenly saw a black bag, enough to fit a body, being dragged away on a grinder and into a van. Harry ran across the lot to get to the bag.

"Please, please just let me see her once more! PLEASE!" Harry pleaded, barely being able to speak whilst all the tears, holding on to the bag while the guards were pulling him off.

The policemen who talked to Harry earlier said, "Let him, he hasn't seen her for months." 

Harry slowly opened the bag, to reveal Sparia's pale face. He touched her face with his hand, it was cold as ice. He saw a hole on the left side of her forehead. "I'll find the man who did this to you, and when I do, I'm gonna kill him. I love you Sparia. So much." He cried like he had never cried before. Back across the lot everyone was crying, Miranda was silently crying into Zayn's arms, Beatrice into Louis'. 

Harry looked at Sparia, even when she's dead, she's still the most beautiful woman to him. He kissed her. He closed the zip, and sighed. He let go of the bag, it was the right thing to do. She would have wanted that.  He was still crying heavily, and his vision was blurred as the pulled the bag into the van.


A week had passed, and it was the day of Sparia's funeral. Harry looked like he had been drinking, lazy and tired he was. 

"Look at me." Louis said. Harry looked up at him and Louis slapped him. "I know you're upset but you don't have to be like this, this sucks for all of us!" Louis said and turned away crying.

"I'm sorry." Harry said before Louis left the room. Louis sighed and gave a glance back and left. Harry flopped on his bed. He closed his eyes. He remembered all the fun times he and Sparia had together. 

Zayn and Tanya knocked on Harry's room door. "You ready?" Zayn said.

"I was never ready for this." Harry said. 

"You go ahead, I'll take care of him." Tanya whispered to Zayn. Zayn nodded and headed out.

"Hey." Tanya said and sat down next to him. He didn't respond. "I know it's hard for you. It's gonna take some time to adjust in. But stuff like this happens. Life moves on." 

"NO!" Harry stood up, he started waving his arms around while screaming at her. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS, I LOVED HER TANYA. I LOVE HER." He slammed open his drawer and pulled out a ring. "I SAVED THIS FOR HER. FOR HER!" Harry screamed and he put the ring back violantly and stormed out. 

He sat down on the roadside and cried for what felt like hours. He stood up and drove to the funeral.  

They seemed to have just started. Harry's mind was all blur during the whole thing. They finally went out to bury the body. 

Harry watched as they put her body in the ground. He turned away to face away. He looked up and just a few yards from him, stood a girl, wearing a white dress, looking as beautiful as ever.

Sparia smiled at him. He blinked and she was gone. 

With love, Harry.Where stories live. Discover now