Chapter 12

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"Hey.." Harry texted Tanya. 

"Hi :)" She texted back.

"Wanna hang out?" Harry asked.

"Sure, where?" She replied. Harry texted her the details of where they were going to meet and he got ready.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked as Harry came downstairs and grabbed his keys to his car.

"Out." Harry replied.

"Well, no shit. I meant where?" Louis took a sip out of his mug.

"To just chill, I guess. Where are the others?" Harry asked, grabbing his coat off of the coat hanger. 

"With who, might I ask? And they are upstairs, having a twitcam." Louis said smoothly.

"Tanya. You're not joining them?" Harry asked and folded his arms as he leaned on the kitchen door.

"Nah, I just like to do some thinking down here." Louis asked. He used his finger to circle the top of the mug.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked .

"Nothing really. It's really about, whether it's right or not." Louis said, bending his head down a bit more. 

"Is it about Beatrice?" 


"What's the matter? Aren't you guys friends?" Harry asked, he knew they were friends, but he and the other lads had some suspicions.

"Well....We were..." Louis said, and his smile grew a bit wider.

"What do you mean 'were' huh?" Harry asked, taking a seat next to Louis.

"That night, when you were drunk, and you crashed at her place, she and I sort of.. Kissed." Louis said. Harry smacked his arm.

"And you didn't tell me anything?!" Harry said, shocked and amused, yet happy at the same time.

"I just don't know, haha, I mean I really like her, but I don't think she likes me as much as I like her, and maybe we're going too fast and maybe -" Louis laughed, and said all of it in a rush. Harry cut him off by hitting him on the arm once again.

"Talk to her." Harry got up and headed out the front door. He gave a small nod in Louis' way and Louis gave one back before Harry shut the door behind him.

Harry walked up to a nearby park, with swings, slides, and much more, for little kids to play, but it was a Wednesday, and it was early in the afternoon, so no kids were there yet. 

He sat on a swing, and used his feet to push himself. He swinged lightly and slowly. He remembered the time he came here with Sparia once, it started raining after 15 minutes so they had to go back. He smiled at the thought of her. 

"Hey." A pair of hands grabbed his shoulder. He turned around to see Tanya standing behind him. He got up and hugged her. As soon as they pulled apart, he couldn't help but notice how much he admired how her long, black hair fell over her shoulders. "What?" She asked, snapping him out of his trance.

"Um, nothing." He quickly said. He gestured over to the seat next to him. "Sit, please." Tanya sat on the other swing and they both talked for a while.

"Hey, wanna have a contest?" Tanya asked. 

"What contest?" Harry asked, kicking the sand underneath the swing. 

"Let's see who can swing the highest?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Nah, I just got my shoes-"

With love, Harry.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum